Chapter 22: Finding out the Thruth!

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Logan hasn't don or said much since they got back to America, Alexis is worried about him but he won't talk about it, he's gone back to his old self that just bottled stuff up till it explodes in his face, which is of course something she doesn't want to see happen, right now though, Logan's going through their stuff in the attic, looking for something, Alexis doesn't know but she can hear him rummaging around up there, she then decided to call in some help, maybe he'll talk to someone else, so she called, Becky and Colby, Duncan and Pam, then Gionna and Cathy, he seems to be the closest to them lately so maybe they'll get through to him.

Logan though has finally found what he was looking for, it was a box marked with "Mom's Stuff", it was right at the back, underneath everything and covered in dust, to the point where he needed to wipe it clean before being able to see the words, Logan dropped the box though and opened it without a second thought, he's on a mission now and needs answer, all those things Billy told him, running wild in his head, is the money really from screwing people over, did his mother really ruin a family's reputation just because, all things he wished wasn't true so he needed to know for sure.

Alexis had called their friends who said they'll be right there, they don't know about London and what happened, all they know is Alexis is worried and Logan's not acting right, that was enough for them to come as soon as they can, Logan however pushed away all the things in the box till he found something that should give him answers, his mothers diary.

Logan kicked the box away still a little pissed then sat on a nearby surface, opening the book, not caring about when she was 13 and crying because her daddy din't get her a pony, he needed to know the truth about his birth, all his life he believed his mother was raped then the death of his grandparents sent her over the edge, literally, the thought of her hanging from that banister still haunts him to this day but then he found it...

Logan: September 1990...

Logan mumbled to himself then running through the page, he's not the best reader but he can read enough to already tell that just from his eyes glancing over his mothers hand writing that the Kenway's weren't good people, they took what they wanted and gave nothing back but then he stumbled on a page that spoke about the day she found out she was pregnant, Logan couldn't help himself and needed to know.

"... I found out today that I'm pregnant. I probably should get rid of it. That might be the best since Mum and Dad don't like Taylor... Or it could be Steve's... Maybe even Bruce's..."

Logan sighed while the list of names for his real father just seemed to build up more and more, this was helping him though, his mother didn't ant him, she didn't want him and he idolized her for what she went through which he's now seeing was all a complete lie.

"... I might just keep it for the press though, a young teenage mother, Dad would lose his mind... I'll just tell them that it was Mark, he forced me. He died the other week so they won't even know, what's the worst that can happen..."

Logan tried to read more but he couldn't, he tried to keep going but he just has this overwhelming urge to burn the book, the stuff and change his name, kill off the Kenway's for good, but he didn't, Logan needed to know everything and went to her last try, which was wrote the day she killed herself.

"Logan, if you're reading this. Don't do the same things I did. I had my doubts about you but now I have no doubts your the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you and I'm sorry for leaving you alone. But I can't live with what they did to Mark's family, if I know your grandfather would do that I wouldn't have told the world what I did. You might not believe me but I do love you with all my heart, I can't say I'm sorry to you enough.

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