Chapter 6: Back Home!

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... The plane landed just after 1 in the morning, so Roux is completely nocked out while Colby, Becky and Logan got into a car to take them home, first it went to the Lopez house, dropping the small family off, Colby saying bye with a hug to his friend, Becky giving him a kiss, Logan smiled with another little wave, then got back into the car and went to his home that he share's with mainly Alexis, others stay but this is their place...

 Logan noticed all the lights are off but he can't see their bedroom light from this side of the house, Logan paid the driver, tipping him as well, then walked over to the door, unlocking it before quickly shutting off the alarm then re setting it...

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... Logan noticed all the lights are off but he can't see their bedroom light from this side of the house, Logan paid the driver, tipping him as well, then walked over to the door, unlocking it before quickly shutting off the alarm then re setting it, Logan sighed a little taking his jacket off, feeling completely drained, he was hoping to just go straight to bed but before he could, the animals wanted to say hi, Freddy, Stanley, Izzy and Teddy, after a little while, they left him alone.

Logan went to walk up the stairs till he glanced to his left and saw Alexis sleeping on the couch, the Tv on low with his dog Odin laying on the floor, almost like the Shikoku dog is protecting her...

 Logan smiled walking over to them, rubbing the dogs head waking Odin up, Logan wasn't sure but could swear that the dog smiled at him, Odin stood up as Logan kneeled by the sofa looking to the sleeping Alexis

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... Logan smiled walking over to them, rubbing the dogs head waking Odin up, Logan wasn't sure but could swear that the dog smiled at him, Odin stood up as Logan kneeled by the sofa looking to the sleeping Alexis.

Logan: Lex. Lexi, baby. Come on, let's go to bed.

Alexis slowly woke up with the little nudges Logan was giving her, as soon as she realised what was happening, she smiled up to him, pulling his head down into a little kiss, Logan moved to hook her arm around him then lift her from the couch, she might be pregnant but that didn't make any difference, she's still light and pretty easy to carry.

Alexis: I thought you were coming home tomorrow?

She asked closing her eyes rubbing her face on his shirt, Logan continued to walk up the stairs as Odin left them, probably going to bed himself, Alexis gave out a little yawn before Logan glanced to her with a small smile.

Logan: Surprise.

She huffed once with a small smile, still clearly a little tired so Logan took her into their room, getting her changed for bed, which wasn't hard, she wears a vest and shorts to bed, he just needed to get her out of the pants she's in, once he did it, he swung her legs around laying her into the bed, then moving the covers over her, pressing a kiss to her forehead after he did.

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