Chapter 10: A Step Towards SummerSlam!

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It's once again time for Monday Night RAW, Logan had made it to Buffalo from LA with Gionna in tow, the others are Smackdown Superstars so they were able to pretty much go straight home, with a stop off at Buffalo of course, before the show started though, Logan was dragged away from his friends and towards Hunter's office since he was told Hunter wanted to see me.

Hunter: Logan. Perfect, take a seat.

Logan knocked, then walked in a Hunter offered him a seat, Logan sat down as they made small talk, mainly about how he's doing being back on the road and what not, Logan was finding it tough but he's not doing house shows right now so his schedule isn't as packed as others, though Hunter did have a reason to call him in here.

Hunter: ... Why haven't you mentioned you run a charity?

Logan looked a little surprised mainly because he thought he had, he thought everyone knew but clearly not or Hunter wouldn't have called him into his temporary office to ask him if it was true or not.

Logan: Well, I thought everyone knew. I wasn't hiding it or anything. 

Logan has done many things for the charity over the past few years, mostly after his accident but he still has funded many things for the kids and others that are part of "Jennifer's Care", Logan named the organisation after his mother, bit on the nose but he liked it.

Hunter: You should have told us. The WWE would like to offer a branch, I know you don't have a problem with funding but if your interested in moving the Charity over to the US, we want to help out.

Logan nodded along a little not really considering that as an option, he didn't think about making the charity more worldwide then UK based, also to have the WWE helping out would be a big thing to spread the word, he of course has had a few Superstars to meet the kids but that's only been when the WWE was over in the UK, which recently has increased but before that it was pretty rare.

Logan: Okay, let's make it happen.

Hunter was obviously happy about this, the WWE pride's itself on helping the less fortunate and Logan's charity will give everyone what everyone wants, it's not like Make-A-Wish though, it's a charity that funds trips, camping, summer camps, day trips to theme parks, the sorts, it gives kids and adults with difficulties to not feel like the odd one out, to know that they can still do everything they want to do.

Hunter: Right, I can only do so much here. So I'll set a meeting between you and Steph up at the HQ. Okay with you? 

Logan nodded as both of them stood up and shook hands, Logan's happy his mother's legacy will be brought over to America, maybe even further if this all goes to plan, who knows how many lives they can change together, Logan left the office to get set for the show, he's going to be taking out Dom while Colby has to deal with Luiz and Fergal, before he could do anything though, he was walking through the corridor looking over his phone till he felt two arms wrap around him from behind.

Alexis: Guess who?

Logan didn't need to guess, he could recognise her voice in a crowded room with everyone trying to shout over the other, so he spun see her all smiles to being here again, it's been a few months since Alexis was last backstage, the last time she was actually in the ring was the Royal Rumble, it's good to know that the story between her and Bray has stopped, the story Bray is on just seemed to confuse a lot of people.

Logan: Hey, what are you doing here? Are you okay? You didn't come alone did you?

Alexis smiled to his worry while his hands cupped her face, almost like he was looking over her for any sign of harm, Alexis loved how protective he's been over her since she found out she's carrying their baby, even before that though he would be worried about her.

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