Chapter 13

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USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)

USS Juneau (NCC-47851-A)

In orbit around Watashi III

USS Voyager.

Deck 9. Section 21-Alpha.

Terri Ferguson walked alongside Captain Tom Paris—passing by two crew members working with a team of four others: Maneuvering a giant wall panel—which had been lifted carefully from its supply pallet—then carefully doing the delicate job of setting it into its proper place.

Tom pointed out to the affected section in question.

"As you can see...? We're still finishing up on our repairs—even though it's been a couple of weeks now—since our recent encounter with the Co'jin Alliance." Then he stopped—turning around to face Terri herself.

"To be painfully blunt Captain...? This hasn't been a banner mission assignment—since leaving Starbase 904—nearly ten months ago. On Admiral Pauline North's orders. Ever heard of her?"

Terri nodded somewhat absently. "Only by reputation as a sterling tactician and practically a legend from her days as a combat pilot—during the Dominion War: Before being rapidly promoted to the rank of Flight Leader for Icebreaker Squadron. Because of her legendary kill record and her innate ability to weather the worst possible set of circumstances delivered unto anyone by the Cardassian-Breen Alliance in those days...? Squadron pilots—the quadrant over—started calling her "The Black Widow" during the hour long mission briefings. A moniker which stuck like glue—for the past twenty-five years—before Pauline herself was promoted to the Admiralty. As I recall...? That was almost five and a half years ago."

Tom nodded in return.

"—only in the last year she was stationed at Starbase 904—where she oversaw shipping and commercial traffic for the Norpin star system. Specifically the Norpin V Administrative Colony."

Terri nodded in agreement as well.

"But that was before the outbreak of hostilities between the Federation and the Dominion—in years following. I do remember reading somewhere that it used be one of the oldest retirement communities established in the Alpha Quadrant at the time. Established ten years after the wildly heralded—and historical—signing of the Federation charter on August 17th, 2161."

"From historical and visual records of that era—dignitaries from eighteen different worlds attended the ceremony."

Terri Ferguson nodded wistfully in return.

"I'd give a year's pay to go back in time and listen to Captain Archer's emotionally dynamic speech—from the comfort of my front row seat."

Tom chuckled a bit at the other woman's nostalgic imagination.

"...and get an exclusive on hand visit from the Department of Temporal Investigations—like we did—after our successful return from the Delta Quadrant: With the help of Admiral Janeway herself?"

Terri laughed softly in return.

"You're no fun, Tom. Do you even know that?"

"So they keep saying," the other man said—running a hand through some rather—shockingly—thin brown hair.

The other woman quietly took note of the rather remarkable change—from the past 15 years—during the time he spent at the helm of Voyager. (And Captain Proton enthusiast with his former friend and shipmate—the late Lieutenant Commander—Harry Kim—First Officer the Aries-class heavy battle cruiser USS Jakarta.

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