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E P I S O D E  3 8 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y - e i g h t  :  B L O O M

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E P I S O D E  3 8 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y - e i g h t  :  B L O O M

"did i fail to raise you right?"

emma sits on the cushion, seemingly in daze and deep in thought. she couldn't stomach to look at his half-brother sitting across the small table, head hanging low and wandering hands feeling the skin around the bruises on his knees.

"i always gave you what you wanted, indulged you, but i know i never failed to raise you correctly." mansaku's arms were crossed, his gaze hardening upon mikey who hasn't said a thing before he looked at another spot away from the boy. he queries lowly, "so how?"

"is it because he's gay?" emma speaks before she knows it, only realizing seconds after but she didn't react violently. in the corner of her eyes, she sees mikey jerks his head up to look.

"what— no!"

emma looks up finally, feral eyes and flaring nose aiming at her half-brother, and she couldn't sit still any longer when she aggressively leans forward, slamming the table in the process, "then why!? did he somehow wronged you for you to treat him like that!? he didn't have any more friends than us and i told you to take care of him because i'm too far out of reach, only to know that he—"

emma stills, clasping her own hand over her mouth to cut herself off before she could end whatever she was about to say. she didn't realize she had been rambling until she saw mansaku shooting her a warning look from the other side of the table.

mikey stares at her, violently confused by her outburst. he wanted to laugh at her for making the assumption but he couldn't even bring himself to say one more word.

emma settles down, eyes falling to her own lap, "i'm .. sorry."

mikey stares more, confused and livid because other than feeling humiliated for being discovered of his actions, he feels like he's missing something that seems important to his grandfather and half-sister.

"it's just that .. takemichi is a very sweet boy. finding out what he had been going through, and considering how he grew up— don't you realize that he's been living an unfair life?" emma's voice keeps toning down until she was only whispering. she heaves deeply to swallow the air that had turned into lump that blocks her throat.

she never bothered to dry the tears that uncontrollably streamed down her cheeks and reddened that corners of her eyes, "... you made him feel more alone. he always wanted friends. he even wished for it on his birthdays. he always wanted to be by your side even though i wanted to spend time with him, but i never complained."

𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩 . various / takeWhere stories live. Discover now