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I dont know, do you?...

Clarissa PoV:

Some days have passed since I last saw Lesso and to be honest I was scared to go visit her. Why did she ask me to come over? We haven't even really talked, before the whole situation in the forest.

Nervous, I stood infront of my closet and looked for something to wear. Didn't had to be fancy, right? Why should it? Its just a visit, right? Right?

Looking through my clothes, I decided to wear a pant suit, which was rose gold with some soft yellow and orange accents. Not to much and still elegant.

I smiled and went into the bathroom to get ready. Even when I didn't really realise it, I gave my best with my make up and hair. Someone could say I was trying to impress her.

When I was done, I put on my pant suit and stood infront of the mirror, checking my outfit like a million times.

"What are you doing Clarissa? Your just paying her a visit." I shook my head and looked myself into the eyes.

With a deep breath, I opened my door and walked down the stairs into the main hall. Students greeted me and I greeted them back.

Excited and nervous, I walked onto the bridge and over into the other school.

Lets just say, the Nevers were not so pleased with seeing me. Some of them looked even... scared? I shook it off and tried to remember where I had to go, but giving up when I entered a classroom.

A guard walked past me and I stopped him. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Lady Lesso. Is there any possibility that you can tell me where I have to go?" The wolf looked down at me and I could tell that he was pissed off that I talked to him.

"Come with me." Another voice from behind me caught my attention.

"Excuse me?" "Lady Lesso told me that you would come by sometime. She told me that I should bring her to her then." I nodded and followed the guard, which had a scar going from his eye down his cheek and neck.

After some time, we stopped at a door, which he knocked on.

"Who's there?!" "Enzo, my Mistress. Professor Dovey is here." I looked at the guard and recognised his name. Lesso had told me about him.

"Bring her in." He opened the door for me and I smiled at him, before going inside.

Leonora said on an armchair, a book and a glass of wine in her hand. Her hair was wild and the suit she was wearing was more then hot. The first two buttons on her suit top were open and you could see her smooth skin.

"Hey." I said, smiling at her, trying to get my eyes back onto her face. "Hello to you too." She placed her book and wine glass down and grabbed her cane, before walking over to me.

I felt the blush creeping on my face as she stopped infront me and smiled.

"How, how are you? What did the doctor say?" I asked, trying to break the silence that started to built up between us.

"For myself, I feel okay, still slow with my movements, but good." She turned around and sat back down, pointing to a chair which I could sit on.

"The doctor told me to take things slow, but I'm not sure if this will be possible." "Why?" I sat down and looked at her, her smirk telling me everything I needed to know. Directly, my face was warm and I looked away.

"I dont know, theres just this feeling. And I think that this feeling is right." My whole body felt like under electricity and I tried to sort my thoughts. She wasn't telling me what I was thinking, right?

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