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Mentions of suicide and an atempt.
If you get triggered by this, continue reading from the arrows.

Dont you dare die now

Leonora PoV:

Her arm was covered in blood and in the other was a razor blade.

"Clarissa! Omg! What have you done?" I fell down next to her and took a towel, to try and stop the bĺeeding.

"Go! Go get help! And tell them to hurry or I will kill them!" I turned my head back to her and heard, how Enzo ran out of the room.

"Clarissa, please tell me that you can hear me." Carefully, I placed my other hand on her cheek. "Oh please, you cant die. Whatever that voice told you, its a lie! Oh Clarissa." I sobbed into her neck and hoped that I wasn't to late.

"Nora…" I heard her whisper into my ear and directly looked her into the eyes.

"Clarissa." Tears fell don jer cheek and I saw how the life slowly left her eyes. "Dont. Dont you dare die now." I sobbed and pressed the towel harder onto the wound.

"WHERE IS THE HELP!" She placed her hand onto my cheek and pulled me closer. "Nora…" I carefully kissed her and smiled against her lips.

"Your gonna make it, you understand?" The words whispered against her lips, made her smile a little. "Tell me-" "Dont speak, dont waste your energie." I wiped away a tear and sniffed, wiping away my tears too.

"Please." She had her hand on my chest and I listened. "Did you mean, what you said. I, I mean that day." I caressed her cheek and shook my head.

"No, no. I thought you came back, but that wasn't you. My side started to hurt and I collapsed to the ground, where I saw someone standing next to me. There, there was a kind of powder, I think? And when you came in, I couldn't control what I was saying."

I looked out of the bathroom. Where were they? She was dieing and no one was coming. I started to get more anxious with every second passing by.

"I hated myself for the way I had hurt you that day. But I couldn't bring it over me to tell you the truth. And I hate myself for that even more." Finally I heard steps come closer and was reliefed.

"Help is on the way. Please, stay with me Clarissa." "Nora, I…" She tried to fight the unconsciousness. "I love you…" Her head fell back and I paniced completely.

The doctors came in and I stood up, letting them do their work. Enzo pulled me into his arm and I started to cry, allowing myself to let my guard down this once.


It was two days after I had found her and only now they would let me see her. If they would have tried to stop me some more, I would have killed them all.

She laid there on the hospital bed, a bandage around her arm. To see her like that made my heart hurt. And to know that this all was because of me made it even worse.

I pushed all that aside and took a chair to sit down next to her. But what if she dídnt want to see me? I took her hand in mine and stroked over the soft skin.

"What would I do for you." I whisperedand kissed her hand carefully. "I know." Her voice was hoarse, but still beautiful.

I looked up and had a huge smile on my lips, when I saw her eyes. "Clarissa, oh my beautiful beautiful Princess." I didnt even let her speak, I just got close to her and kissed those soft lips.

She blushed and looked deep into my eyes, as I pulled away. "Woah." "Cant say anything else." A smile crawled onto her lips and tears started to form in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry because of what happened to you. If I would have told you, you wouldn't have." I leaned my head against her leg and felt her hand on my head, playing with my hair.

"Dont blame yourself. None of us is the one to blame for this." I looked slightly at her, sobbig quietly into the blanket. "I dont know what I would have done if I had lost you today." She smiled and wiped my tears away, making me feel safe.

"If this voice wouldn't have told me, I wouldn't even have dared to think about something like this."

Some time passed in silence, before I dared to ask. "When cane you get out of here?" "Two more days? Then I have to look that I dont use my hand to much." I nodded and stood up, looking down at her.

"If, if you want I can, uhm… Nevermind." "You better tell me now Lesso, or I tell them that you hurt." I looked at her and saw a smug grin on her face. "You start to get evil Princess." "Me? Never…"

We both started to laugh and I sat down on her bed, holding her hand in mine.

"If you want, you can, sleep with me." I said the last part really fast, so she wouldn't nderstand. "Speak up. I can't hear you." "You can sleep with me." I blurted out and hid my face in her neck, hearing her laughter.

"Dont laugh, god, please dont laugh." "I'm laughing because its cute Lesso. Your cute." I blushed and sat back up, looking down at her.

"Your offering me that I will be taken care of from you?" She asked and I nodded. "And I really belived that you used me. Now look at you, all shy and caring for me. Your so sweet Lesso."

My face was more then red and I waited for her answer. "If you want to take care of me Lesso, then I wont say no." A smile appeared on my face and I hugged her carefully.

"I will talk with the doctors and get you out of here. My room is way better then, this." I said that 'this' with disguest, which made her laugh.

"Do that Nora, I wont run away, I promise." "Better is. Even when you would run away, I would find you. No matter where you are." She started to get tears in her eyes, and I leaned down to kiss her once more.

If I could, I just would lay in bed with her all day and kiss her over and over again. Those lips were intoxicating and I just wanted more of them.

I smiled at her, when I got up to lookfor the doctor.

Clarissa PoV:

She was so sweet, I couldn't belive that I had heard to some random voice in an empty room. I felt stupid for what I had tried. Just imagined what would have happened, if Leonora wouldn't have found me.

The tears filled my eyes again and I looked out of the window to clear my mind.

"Seems like she got to you in time." I winced when I heard that voice again. "But dont assume that she really loves you, thats just some game of her."

I covered my ears and tried to concentrate on her. That wasn't true what I heard.

"You can cover your ears, but you cant ignore the truth." "LEONORA!" I screamed for her and in no time, the door got pulled open.

"What? Whats wrong?" She took my hand in hers and kissed my forehead softly.

"That voice, it was here." Directly, she looked around, before looking back into my eyes. "No matter what it said, its not true. Dont listen to it, alright Princess?" I nodded and hid my face in her chest.

"Can we go?" "Ofcourse, what did you think? That they would say no to me?" I chuckled and breathed in her scent, before I leanded back.

"Then lets go, hm?" I nodded and took her hand, before she helped me stand up. Together, we walked out of this hospital room and back to hers.

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