19 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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- song for chapter - Demons - Imagine dragons ➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵smut warning - ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

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- song for chapter - Demons - Imagine dragons
smut warning - ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

The smell of food washed over aria as she entered into The Wreck. With a smile she rubbed her stomach in hunger. JJ smiles as he took her hand taking her over to a table where they all sat at.

As he sat down he pulled her onto his lap snuggling his face into her neck. Aria laughed as she leaned her head onto his. JJ slowly placed a kiss on her neck casting the girl to sigh in satisfaction.

When Kiara came over she sat down next to pope looking at the book he was reading. John B then grabbed a fry and aimed it at aria. Smiling she shifted so she was sitting up straight making JJ groan. John B then tossed the fry as Aria caught it in her mouth. The two cheered as she chewed it.

Suddenly jj was grabbing her by the chin making her turn around. JJ looked at her lips before her eyes again. Arias smile fell as she did the same thing to JJ. Leaning in they met each other's lips in a slow passionate kiss.

Turning in her seat aria cupped his face in her hands as jj wrapped his arms around her waist. It soon turned heated. Reaching up she tugged on his hair. JJ tangled his hands into her hair as well. Pulling away aria smiled resting her forehead onto his.

" We should go home " she smiled at him. JJ nodded lifting her off his lap.

" We're going to head home " JJ said to John B who looked at him suspiciously. Nodding JJ lead aria out of the restaurant.

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The bedroom door flung open as jj carried in aria as they kissed heatedly. Using his foot he slammed the door shut. Turning he pressed her back into the door running his hands down her side.

Soon his kissed were trailing down her jaw. Running her hands down his back aria clenched his shirt into her fist in pleasure. JJs hands reached under her shirt before he pulled it over her head.

Going back to kissing her neck JJ turned tossing her onto the bed. Giggling she holsted herself on her elbows as she watched JJ pull his shirt off. Sitting up fully she unbuttoned his shorts while maintaining eye contact.

Pulling his pants down aria looked back up with a flirtatious smile. Once his boxers were down she grabbed his member and ran her tounge from the tip to the base. JJ groaned throwing his head back with his hands going to her hair.

Using her hand she stoked him before running her tongue over his tip. Before they both knew it JJ was shoving her head over his member. She gagged as he moved her head roughly over himself. Her hands reached him resting them on his hips to hold herself up.

Removing her from his tip JJ held her head back as he looked down at her with lust
" you are so beautiful when your on your knees " he said to her making her laugh with slobber running down her chin.

Picking her up he threw her onto the bed again. Climbing into her he ran his tongue from her stomach all the way to her neck making her arch her back. Kissing her he unbuttoned her shorts also pulling them down.

Running his hands up her waist to her breasts he kneaded them through her bra. This made her throw her head back braking the kiss. JJ leaned down taking the right nipple into his mouth sucking onto it. The girl let out a loud moan at this.

Smirking JJ slowly swept his hand under her underwear starting to play with her clit. Aria threw her head back further into the pillow as she fisted her sheets. As JJ picked up the pace the louder arias moans got.

Soon JJ was moving to the left nipple into his mouth. Aria yelped when he bite her nipple but soon relaxed when he licked it. He was teasing her! This made her mad. Grabbing him by the shoulders she flipped him over getting on top of him.

Flipping her hair to one side she lent down placing kisses on his jaw. She licked down his jaw to the spot behind his ear. Biting his ear lobe JJ sighed in pleasure as a shutter shot through his body making him harden.

Reaching behind her aria unclipped her bra throwing it somewhere into the room. Reflipping her hair she leaned down so her breasts were pressed into his chest as she kissed him again.

His hands found her waist squeezing tightly. Slapping her on the ass cheek aria pulled away and looked at him shocked. Soon a smile was taking her face again " I like that " she smiled as JJ slapped her ass again.

Flipping her over again JJ sat on his knees and ripped her underwear off throwing it somewhere as well. Bending down he bent her knees as his tongue started to work on her clit.

Aria cried out as she gripped the sheets with a arched back. JJ visioshly sucked and bite at her clit. Her knees shook as he slowly scraped his teeth on her clit. Before she could reach her climax JJ was pulling away with a evil smirk. Climbing on top again JJ ran his lips over her body.

He slowly made his way back up to her with his hands gliding her body. He wanted to feel her all over. To memorize her body shape. Getting irritated aria reached up grabbing his neck and slamming her lips onto his. Using her legs this time she flipped them over again.

Reaching down she centered JJ with hers before slamming down. The two moaned as she started to move forward and back harshly. Leaning back she placed her hands on his thighs as she roughly rode him. JJ gripped her hips helping her to also ride him.

The pleasure was so real at the moment that neither of them wanted to stop. It felt so good. Gripping her hips JJ flipped them so he was hovering over her. Looking down to make sure he was centered. When he was he ruthlessly pounded into her at his full speed.

Aria threw her head back in pain and pleasure. It felt so good for her. As he pounded into her she reached down and started to play with her clit. Her hands gripped her sheets so right her knuckles turned white.

They both felt their climax's reach. The knot in her stomach grew as it moved down to her pelvis area. JJ gripped her by her ankles placing them by his head. Wrapping her arms around her thighs he roughly pounded into her only being able to see her through her legs.

Aria cried out as she reached her climax rightly. Yet JJ didn't stop. Instead he continued to pound into her. Looking up at him in terror aria squealed as he soon flipped her onto her stomach. Getting it she stood onto her hands and knees.

Still pounding into her he slapped her ass making her moan digging her head into her pillow. She screamed as she reached her climax again. But you still didn't stop. He just continued to pound into her while slapping her ass.

Her legs shook as she kept crying out in pleasure. Before they both knew it JJ was also reaching his climax filling her up. They both fell down out of breath. Aria laid on her side was JJ laid on his back.

" That was.... different " aria stated.

Words: 1282

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