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- song for the chapter - Burning Pile - Mother mother ➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵

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- song for the chapter - Burning Pile - Mother mother

" Got a minute? " Ward asked as he walked into the sheriff office. Out in the car a red head sat in the passenger seat with her left hand handcuffed to the gear shift.

" What happened to your arm? " Peterkin asked as she looked up at the older man. Aria groaned lightly as she turned her head to the side in pain

" Damn Routledge kids " ward cursed as he took a seat in the chair

" Uh... yeah, come on in " Peterkin said

" All I'm trying to do at this point is calm them down. I follow the two of them into the galley. I can't even believe it. While Arianna is distracting me, He fires the goddamn thing at me. I'm trying to take care of this. They runs off. The two of them steal my Jet Ski. Their out there, God knows where "

" The kids are dangerous. I'm worried about my family. I'm worried about my daughter. John B and sarah had some kind of thing, apparently " ward said. In the car aria's eyes finally opened taking in the area around her

" Let's write it up. In the meantime, you go home. We'll find him " Peterkin said with a smile.

" Thank you " ward said before he left the building. Aria sat up straight seeing ward leave the police station. She goes to lift her hand to grab her aching head but couldn't. That was when she realized she was hand cuffed to the gear shift.

Ward entered the car with a sigh. Aria scooted as far from him as she could get. " What did you do? " Aria asked the older man who drove down the road. He looked at her before looking back at the road

" What I had to " he said harshly. Aria gulped as she stared out the window

" What happened to your arm " she asked quietly. Ward looked at his arm before looking at the road

" John B stabbed me " he lied smoothly.

" No he did no! John B wouldn't do that " aria shouted at him. The older man turned to he'd with dark eyes.

" He did. You passed out and he stabbed me. He almost shot me God damnit " ward shouted back. Aria leaned her head back as tears filled in her eyes.

" Is he okay " she quietly asked the man. She was desperately trying not to cry in front of him.

" He got away on my jet ski " ward said. Aria sighed in relief as she stared out the window. Her heart was beating as she stared at the passing trees.

" Why didn't you kill me like you did my dad? " Aria asked turning to look at ward.

" I may seem cruel Arianna, but I'm not that cruel " ward said just as he pulled into the driveway to the house. Ward exited the car before going over to arias side. He reached in and undid the handcuffs.

Summertime sadness ¹ ✔️ ( Unedited ) Where stories live. Discover now