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tw // death

i really want a tattoo when im older, and i want it to look something like this.

i really want a tattoo when im older, and i want it to look something like this

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but with a different date.

the reason i want a tattoo like this is to symbolize my grandfather. i rarely ever saw him, and he was in a nursing home. at first, he was in minnesota but then he got moved to a nursing home in massachusetts . he was placed in mumtiple nursing homes throughout the time he was in my home state. but i'd have to say his last one was probably the best one for him.

in general, he was just really miserable. but he wasn't like that originally. he was really happy, and he was an amazing person. he ran in the boston marathon and he helped with an organization, and a lot more than just that. unfortunately, he had a stroke at one point. but i never got to see him that way. i never got to see him happy or the way he was so upbeat and how much he joked around. i only saw him of how miserable and sick he was because i was born after he had his stroke.

i rarely ever saw him, and when i did i hated being there at the nursing home. there was nothing for me to do and i was just miserable. i loved seeing my grandpa but i just hated being there. i always did something on my phone or my dad's phone. i never wnated to be at the nursing home. i hated being in just his room. my dad only went to help my grandpa set something up in his room(and to pay visits too) and i always asked "why do i have to go?".

he eventually got worse over time. he used to be in a wheel chair and would get out of bed to go to the activities on the first floor. but as time progressed, he couldn't even get out of his bed. not even to use the bathroom. which he had in his room.

he was miserable, and sick, and unhappy. one time i was at home, i was probably aroun 9 or 10, and my grandfather called my dad. he was saying "oh my god im gonna die im gonna die.." and after he hung uo, my dad told me he said that all the time.

unfortunately to my family and i, my dad got the call on february 23rd, 2022 saying that my grandfather had passed away early morning. he passed away around 7 am. my dad told me that around 11:00 am if i remember correctly.

the way he told me made it take a
minute for me to process, but then it all came crashing like a bus. i had just been told my grandfather passed away.

all the rest of the month i was absolutely miserable. i couldn't think straight, and i had a hard time focusing in school. luckily, i was still able to maintain my grades, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hard for me.

so when i'm older, i want to get a tattoo on my wrist or forearm with the date he passed away to symbolize him. 02.23.22.

i know he's been put out of his misery and that he's happy now. and i know that he's watching over me and that he's happier now. i love and miss you grandpa

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