19. 07/28/23

11 3 1

during the 3rd quarter of my school year, i had gym and i was playing kickball. there was this one kid who i was in the same kindergarten class as before moving schools, and i was on his team. i wasn't the best kicker and he's a pretty good one, so when we were switching back from the 'field' (further part of the fgm bc the gym at that school is huge) to kicking, he teied to get me to gk to the end of the line whne  i knew where i was previously, and one of my friends was defending me (ily t , miss ya too :'] ) and he was trying to help me go back uo and stuff. but the annoying kid was saying for me to go to the end and i said i didnt need his inout and walked ot my original spot and his stupid friends said "oOoOoO i WoUlDnT lEt HeR tAlK tO mE lIkE tHaT."

boys are stupid as tuck. except for my friend who was defending me in this situation 🥰

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