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"Chase so you telling me, if a white bitch and black bitch wanted to have a threesome with you, you making the white bitch suck dick the whole time?" Knocker asked. He was on the heavier side of the scale but nothing excessive and bronze color of brown. He had a fade with no waves.

"Hell the fuck yeah on my granny. White bitches can suck some dick I'll give them that. But at the end of the day, this here's a colored fountain only." Chase rubbed his hands down his body. He had shoulder length dreadlocks with very faded brown tips. He was a caramel almond complexion and crazy as bat shit.

I cracked a grin at his stupid ass.

"You're tweaking." Knocker shook his head. If you hadn't noticed by now, he's pro white women. "You're a sad case bro. Don't know what you're missing. I got this snow bunny who go to Laft and she got the prettiest wettest pussy." Laft is a high school with majority white people.

"Not wetter than a black bitch pussy." Chase shot back.

"Black bitches pussy be extra dark and shit. Ion know I just don't like that shit. Like my bitch pussy color even and pretty."

"Man what? That two toned shit be beautiful! It turns me the fuck on." Chase shouted. He was naturally loud.

"TMI Chase." Knocker held his hand up making me laugh from the backseat.

"Yo lil ass dick prolly two toned as we speak."

"Cause it's my dick. A bitch pussy should be one color the hell?"

"You sound like you hate women brodie."

"I just have a preference ain't shit wrong with that muhfucka."

"You settle this Jalen. White bitch sucking and black bitch fucking? Or other way around?" Chase looked back at me in the back passenger seat.

I answered almost immediately. I knew where I stood on this topic.

"White bitch knees gone be redder than her pops face when he find out she sucking nigger dick." Knockers groaned placing a hand in his face.

"Hell the fuck yeah nigga!" Chase shook up with me jumping in his seat in glory at my agreement while Knockers mumbled 'no' over and over again.

I just shrugged.

"Personally I ain't letting no white hoe touch the ancestral genital that her great great great granddaddy castrated because his wife nipples got hard over it." Dell woke up and spoke after catching some shut eye while we waited outside the studio across the street from us. Just watching the activity of people going in and out and peoples getting into cars or getting dropped off.

Dell is the darkest out of all us with waves and a scar on his face from a fight with at an old school he attended. Peoples usually distinguished us by our looks and weight . Knocker being the biggest weight wise but average height, Chase now the only one with dreadlocks and light brown eyes, Dell being the darkest and his vertical scar stuck out to people like a sore thumb, and me being the skinniest and oddly enough my features differentiated me from most people. I guess I'm a ugly young nigga.

"Y'all tweaking." Knocker shut his eyes in disappointment.

"No bitch you're tweaking. Like who raised you Uncle Ruckus?" Chase said.

"My preference just white girls. Nothing wrong with that." Knockers shrugged.

"That's cool and all but you ain't gotta degrade your race to uplift another one." I chimed in.

"Ain't shit cool. You praise bitches and hate black ones. You're dumb." Chase said as a matter of fact.

"Aye I ain't dumb shut the fuck up talking to me yo."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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