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It's been three long months.

Three months since the accident. I have nightmares here and there about that day. Whenever I hear tires schreeching those images just appear in my head and I grow a lump in my throat. I don't necessarily have nightmares about that night, I have flashbacks. I could be cooking or in a meeting and I'd just stare off into space. There's been times where my assistant had to snap me back into reality. But these flashbacks wouldn't go away.

They were like floating hot flashes.

Then I get the feeling that I'm suffocating.

I can still taste the river water.

I can still hear the banging of—

"Mommy mommy!" I was distracted for my train of thoughts by Justyce running circles around my legs. I smiled at her happiness, something that has kept my spirits up, even when it did become overwhelming sometimes. I can't imagine leaving her on this Earth. Luckily a great Samaritan rescued me, unfortunately he was killed and his body was never found. Apparently there's another body missing too.

"Baby I'm going to need you to stop running before you trip and hurt yourself." I begged her.

"I'm sorry mommy. I was trying to make myself dizzy." She giggled before continuing to twirl. I shook my head letting her continue. The only way she'll learn is when she hurts herself.

"You excited about going back to day care?"


"Your friend Yomii will be here later on so make sure your room is clean. Ion want to see no toys sprawled out over the floor you hear me?"

"Okay mommy."

I took a deep breathe as I walked over to the doorway to retrieve the mail from the mailbox. All it contained were more get well soon letters and cards. My left leg was seriously injured during the accident and ever since I was able to move around myself I've been in therapy trying to get it back functioning correctly. There is still a little bit of pain, but I can handle it.

As for Cato, he didn't have any scars or scratches despite him being thrown through an entire windshield. I think it was his rock head that prevented him from any serious injuries. He didn't have anything wrong with him except a bad headache. I was surprised to see him at my bedside fully healthy and well despite me watching his entire body fly through the windshield. It was a miracle. I could've sworn he'd die, but clearly God has other plans for us.

"I'm back with the food." Bay walked inside my house with her emergency key and our food. She sported a tracksuit and two braids.

"Thanks." I took the bag from her hands that held our chickens and fries.

"Where's Cato?"

"Our working."

"I don't like that. He's never here to help take care of you. He's acting like he wasn't in the dog house before you decided to take his ungrateful ass back." Bay scoffed rolling her eyes. She feels like Cato is being unappreciative of me and unaffected by the accident.

"Bay that's my baby. He just has a hard time seeing me so in pain all the time."

"Well I think if he can see somebody brains being blown out every other day, he can see you limping around wincing on one leg." Sighing I placed two chicken wings and some fries on a paper plate.

"Did you tell them to put mildsauce on the food?" I changed the subject quickly before we went back and forth.

"Yeah, but you know they don't listen so they just put the cups in the bag."

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