Ch. 1 Moving In

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If your reading for smut go ahead and skip to chapter 7!

 "Thanks Aunt May!" Peter waved goodbye after giving a hug to his relative.

"Anytime, peter!" She was fixing to shut the door to her car, "Make sure to stay safe, alright?"

"I will." Peter smiled.

"Love you!" She closed the door and put her car in drive.

"Love you too!" Peter watched her drive off. He had walked Aunt May to her car after she helped him move into his dorm room.

He walked back into his room admiring their hard work to fit all of the furniture in such a crowded space. Unlike some of the more fancier dorms, this was all he and his aunt could afford. It was a single room with two beds and a bathroom. If any of the students wanted to cook they shared stoves which were spread throughout the dormitory. But we all know that everyone would be making ramen. Peter jumped on his bed relaxing while looking over at the untouched bed. He had tried to get in touch with his roommate earlier on, but got no reply. Of course, he hadn't shown up yet.

Peter wasn't too far from home, just a couple of hours away. He suited up and decided to scout out the area he would be patrolling now.

Peter's new roommate showed up three hours late, he slammed the door to his old truck as he got his bag. The biggest one, with a strap that sat on his shoulder, was a big unicorn plushie converted into a bag. He walked into the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor. Sadly, another boy walked into the already full elevator.

"Nice bag." A boy pointed at him while laughing.

"Thanks." He took the tooth pick out of his mouth. He could see in the reflection of the steel walls the boys looking him up and down. He took his vape out of his pocket and took a puff. The loud fumes were stuck in the elevator making them cough. As one of the shorter ones was wiping his eyes, Peter's roommate reached into the pizza box. The elevator dinged letting them know that this was their floor. As the group ran out of the elevator in a coughing fit, the remaining guy ate the slice of pizza in one hand, and in the other spanking a guy's ass as he left.

"Gay fuck!" The talkative one yelled out as the elevator doors closed.

He chuckled and walked out onto his floor and finally found the number to his room. He opened the door with the key he got from the man downstairs. He was greeted with a decorated room and it had a sense of home to him. A fridge and a microwave next to a small table was the first thing he saw. Then, he saw the door to the bathroom. As he walked to the unused bed, he put his stuff on top of it. He placed his pillow and hello kitty blanket on the bed, put his bathroom stuff on the counter -not organizing it like Peter-, and put his clothes in the dresser. Before he took his bags and slid it under the bed, he took his most prized possession. It was his limited edition Call of Duty Xbox that he may or may not have stolen. He took a second to look at the room or the neater and more cared side. His roommate's laptop along with his rented books sat on his desk. He had multiple posters tacked into the walls with Spiderman, his favorite music band, etc. He had a white fluffy comforter that lay atop his patterned sheets. He was definitely rich boy material, or at least he had enough money to spend.

Peter opened the door holding a Taco Bell bag. He noticed his roommate had moved in and he quickly pushed the sleeves of his spider suit up his shirt. "Hello?" He asked out loud.

As Peter turned the corner he saw his roommate sitting on the floor playing video games. He grunted, "Hi."

Peter was going to say something to make conversation, but his new 'friend' seemed a little busy. He sat at his desk and turned to the game he was playing. He pulled out a burrito and looked at the bottom of the bag. Peter asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah but that Taco Bell sure is making me have the munchies." Peter giggled at his remark.

Peter reached into his bag and pulled out some cinnamon twists. He plopped them next to his roommate and continued watching him play. Smiling, he looked up, "Thanks." He could feel his heart skip a beat when he looked at the young freckled boy. He was so caught up in his looks that his finger slipped on his controller.

"Nice kill!" Peter cheered.

He looked back and saw that he had sniped a player from far away.

"I'm Wade, just moved in an hour ago." He downed the whole bag of cinnamon twists.

"I know," Peter laughed, "I'm Peter by the way. I tried to get in touch with you to see if we could hang out before school started, but you never answered."

"Oh.." Wade tried to come up with a good enough excuse. "That might've been the time around where I broke my phone." He shrugged it off.

Peter didn't care anymore and looked at what Wade had brought, nothing. "So you just brought a pillow and blanket?"

"No, I brought my Xbox.... And my clothes? And something else?"

"Wade?! T-That's bad! Do you need some bed sheets? I have extra." Peter showed the storage boxes under his bed.

Wow more stuff, Wade thought. "No, I'm fine. I need to go buy some stuff anyways, I'll get some while I'm out." Wade slid off his bed and grabbed his keys and stuck it in his pocket. The lanyard hung from his jeans as it clanked against his vape and its different flavors.

"Alright..." Peter watched as the man left.

In fact, Wade wasn't going to buy anything tonight, he was out looking for his target. As he got suited up as Deadpool, he saw a figure jump from the buildings above Wade. He quickly jumped from the walls and climbed the ladder, seeing who it was. It was none other than Spiderman, he was a part of the hero ladder that had a massive price on his head. Deadpool quickly chased after him which got his attention. Suddenly, the man in front of him disappeared. Did he jump? As Deadpool looked down he was webbed repeatedly, making him strapped to the roof.

"Are you the infamous Deadpool?" Spiderman crouched down.

"Sure am, Spidey! And you can have all of me when you unwrap me."

"The police can have all of you, I'm sure they would love you." He started to call the police.

As Spiderman was busy, Deadpool cut himself out of the webs. And ran past Spidey whispering, "Let's make a deal, I won't get in your way and you won't get in mine?" Sweetening the deal, Deadpool slapped Spiderman's perfect ass.

Peter looked for the man but he disappeared. Both in the webs and the area he ran past him.

Wade walked in the dorm room and saw Peter asleep. The bed sheets covered his legs and left shoulder. His right side was hugging the bed as he slept. Wade looked at his ass and thought, it's gonna be hard to restrain myself.

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