Ch. 3 miscommunication

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Peter woke up and saw Wade in boxers and himself in boxers. He wanted to get out of this situation. What happened last night? We didn't have sex, did we? Peter started to freak out. He quickly got out of bed, not caring if Wade woke up, and ran into the bathroom.

Coming out dressed he saw Wade on his phone scrolling through an app. He was so casual it worried Peter. My back is not sore and Wade's seems fine? When you have sex aren't you supposed to be sore? Peter's inexperienced virgin mind couldn't understand what had taken place. Peter bent over and got something from under his bed. He started hearing chuckles from Wade as he was sitting on his bed.

"Can you walk fine? You seem pretty fatigued." Wade was laying on his back with his legs crossed, now he was on his side looking at Peter.

Someone got comfortable, Peter sighed. "Yeah thanks to you, I feel horrible." With an annoyed look, Peter shot a stare at him as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know why I trusted you." Peter squinted his eyes at him as he walked to the fridge and grabbed water.

"Need some aspirin? It helps."

"No, I'm fine. Thanks."

Before Peter left, Wade added, "I'm the person who knows the most about this kinda stuff. Let me help you." Peter shut the door on his face. Dammit, what have I done? Wade looked at his hand and thought of Peter moaning in his ear all the time. When did I get so weak? When did I care about anyone?

Shit, Peter! Why in the world am I acting like this? He sighed and put his spiderman costume on.

Spider man was swinging from building to building until he saw a certain someone. As he started walking toward Deadpool, who was sitting on the edge of the building, he noticed something odd about him. Usually he'll try something or joke around but this time he was silent and cold.

Deadpool sighed, "I messed up Spidey."

Spiderman was caught off guard with the statement. "Why? Did you kill the wrong person?"

He sighed, "No. There's this person I started getting feelings for and they hate me now."

Spiderman sat next to him on the ledge. "Couldn't be that bad, right?" The body language Deadpool gave him said otherwise. "I'm sure if you talk it out there will be an understanding." He added, "And getting a gift, girls love that stuff."

Deadpool looked at him and noted the gift idea. "Yeah, but I'm not good at that."

"There's always time to learn. Even learning not to kill people." Deadpool could see Spider Man's smile through his mask.

"Hah! Good one." Deadpool hit Spiderman's back which pushed him off the building. Luckily Spiderman webbed onto the building and started climbing. "Oh, sorry Spidey." He sighed in response. Still gripped onto the building, Spiderman put his arms on the ledge and rested his head on them.

"It's fine, but seriously Deadpool when are you going to stop killing people? If it helps, I don't mind making you my sidekick but you can't kill." He couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm no one's sidekick." He smiled.

"If you don't stop then I'll have to arrest you~" Spiderman giggled. He looked at his smile and knew what he was going to do. "Never mind, you'd enjoy them too much."

Deadpool laughed. They both became quiet as they admired the city. Spiderman was turned away from Deadpool, looking at the city, so Deadpool reached out for his mask. He was able to get a grip on the back before Spiderman grabbed his wrist.

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