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Rose's POV

"I need your help." I whispered.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he asked and gestured me to get inside. I slowly shook my head when I sat on his bed.

"I relapsed. I'm so sorry Charles." I started crying now. He was just staring at me, with obvious disappointment in his eyes.

He sat next to me.
"Why?" he asked coldly. Why is he being like that. I needed him as a brother right now and he was acting like he didn't care about it at all.

I took a deep breath and told him the whole story. He was just staring at me the whole time.

"You relapsed because of a word?" he said not believing. I looked at him with disbelief.

"Are you serious right now, Charles?! I came here, because I need someone to stand by my side and you literally joke about it?! Are you mental?!" I screamed at his face. He was about to say something, but I turned around and walked out of my room.

I ran to Lando's room. By then I was a complete crying mess and I couldn't breathe normally. I knocked desperately for him opening his doors.

After a while he did and when he saw my state, he just pulled me into a big hug. He was a really good hugger.

He pulled me inside and sat me on his bed. I started to panic, what if he will react the same as Charles?

"Lando, I can't breathe." I gasped for air.
"It okay, Ell. Breathe with me. Give me your hand." he said and took my hand. He put it on his chest.

"It's okay. Follow me. Breathe in, breathe out. Again. Breathe in, breathe out. You're okay. Now tell me three things you can feel." he said gently.
"Amm, I feel my... my jumper, your hand and.... I feel my tears." I spoke, still not really in reality.

"Good. Great. You're okay. You've got this. Now, will you tell me what happened?" he asked softly.

"I- I relapsed. I'm really sorry." he pulled me in a hug.
"Ell, listen to me. That is not a bad thing. There are bumps on the road. You relapsed, and what now? It means you were strong for six months and now it was just too much of everything. How did this happen?" he was the best. He wasn't like Charles. He knew how to make me feel at least a bit better.

When I told him him the whole story, he was shocked at Charles reaction.

"Okay. Now, listen to me. I believe that he meant no harm. He was in shock. He doesn't want to lose you. He was in a really bad state when he got the call, Rose. He is scared for you, of losing you. I can say that Arthur's reaction would've probably been even worse." he said genuinely.

He was right. I couldn't blame Charles. He was in shock.

"You're right. Thank you." I spoke after a few minutes of silence.
"You don't have to thank me for anything. But I think you should tell Charles about how you feel." he shared. I nodded in response.

I slowly stood up, along with Lando. He softly kissed my forehead and rubbed my back.
"Everything will be okay, Bella."

With those words, I exited the room after saying "thank you" again.

I walked to Charles' room, taking really slow and small steps.
When I was actually there, I knocked three times.

The door opened after a second and Charles immediately pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that." he apologised.
"I know." I reassured him. "But I have to go. I have to explain this to Oscar." I said and he nodded approvingly.

I made my way to Oscar's room and knocked. When he opened the door he gestured for me to come in before doing anything else.

"I have to explain this shit to you. I mean I don't have to, but I want to. Which is weird." I cringed at my own words.
He chuckled a little but nodded his head, saying I should start.

I explained him everything. I mean not everything, of course. But everything he needed to know. At least for now.

"Show them to me." he spoke slowly and pointed to my arm. I looked at him with shock in my eyes.
"What?" I asked not believing his words.
"Show them to me. The cuts." he said again.

I put my left arm in front of him.
He understood what I meant and pulled up the sleeve of my jumper.
He then carefully removed the bandages and showed my arm out on display.

He gasped a little and his finger grazed my cuts gently, not wanting to hurt me.

"These are deep, darling." he looked me in my eyes. I looked down, embarrassed of my actions.
"Don't look down. I'm not gonna laugh. I'm just wondering." he explained. He then looked into my eyes again. 

"I'm here for you. Whenever, wherever you need me, find me. Or at least call me." he smiled and hugged me. "Now let's order some donuts. Or no? Sorry. I'm really bad at this." he started rambling.

"Amore, it's okay. We can order donuts. I love donuts. But they have to be glazed." I grinned. He gasped audibly.
"How dare you? Chocolate donuts are the best." he laughed and I grimaced.
"You Aussies, have bad taste." I joked.
"And yet, you still like me." he grinned and I nodded defeated.  

We called room service and the donuts were here in a blink of an eye.

We were eating donuts and laughing at some random comedian playing on the TV.
That made me realise how much I was actually enjoying his company. He was like the guy, I never knew I needed.

But he didn't feel just like a fuck buddy to me. He made me feel things. Like butterflies in my stomach, or making me blush. I think I had a crush on this guy. Which wasn't a very good thing.

I mean at least I had good taste in men. Sometimes.

I looked at him. We were both tired and we had a race tomorrow. I nudged him a little.
"I'm sleepy." I grumbled.
"Let's go to sleep then." he said. I nodded, yawning.

"One more thing before sleep though." he said and I raised my eyebrows.
Was he going to kiss me or something?

"Would you like to go on a dinner with me tomorrow after the race?"


a bit shorter chapter, sorry guys.

how are you?

sending love🫶🏼

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