ship:⊰⊹ฺgozbert⊰⊹ฺ :o)

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{Context:its a rainy day, and the circus in the sky crew and albert sat in the bar to wait it out}{unecceciary information the day i watched videos of the circus in the sky it was a cloudy day and theirs}
The rain hit the roof  of the bar goz, yucko, coraline, clinten, zooezy, and albert where sitting in one of the many tables, albert sat at a small rables with the ciscus crew bringing chairs to that table to sit first it was yacko the clown with a can, coriline was the second sittin to his left while she brought a tray of pastires, clinten sat next to her as to never leave her side and set the cups in the middle and to the right side of the table their sat zoozey with a rat on his shoulder.

Goz: well good thing we’re surounded by food while it rains and also sorry about the rain.
Goz had apologized again but albert knew he was trying to be nice probably seeing that he was slightly upset on the situation, he really wouldn't have minded if the place wasn’t known to be the last place some people where last seen.

Albert: no its fine i should have checked the wether before coming so i could atleast been slightly more prepared
He wasn’t wearing something that was perfect for this weather he had a button up with a white shirt undr and some kaki pants, and he would have drove home but it started to rain harder Goz was the on to recomend to not drive in this wether wich could be dangerous.

“albert” someone spoke it took albert out of his thoughts he had zoned out.

he looked to the sorce of the voicve and saw a slightly concerned Goz everyone else was chatting with each other.

goz: i thoughtwe where losing you their

Albert: im pretty sure thats not happening till another couple of years
goz laughed as a way to be polite albert was smiling since he didn'tknow what to say.

Goz: we wouldn't that happen or at least not right now! :o)

Albert: ah right..
albert was slightly feeling akward with that

{time skip brought by months of on and off editing}
the rain had finally calmed down after finishing up having some drinks and eating some pastieries and after wich also means he can go home wich led them to the big steps to the entranceto say goodbye.

they all waved
Goz: come backa again

yucko: see you never

zoozey:can’t wait for you to come again

coraline and cliten just waved not saying anything

as he waved at them, gave his last goodbyes he started to make his way to the parking lot. it was queit and could feel being watched after getting to his car he heard foot steps and someone calling out too him.

“Albert hold on” it was goz he turned around seeing some of the others in the background as a means to watch over them he guessed

“ whats up” he let out kinda tired at this point all he wanted to do was go home.

“here think of it as a gift” the doctor handed the other two bags one with pateries and another some jewlery?

“thank you i should go now”

“right see you latter alligator”

“you too goz
bouns text
yucko: that was gay

Goz: don't say things like that

Albert: no id have to agree with that actually

the rest: 😀
words: 603

editing a couple of hours

days to write: a month and on and a ccouple of two weeks

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