scrapped: Ship: ✷jalbert✷

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{Context: Jake has been trying to survive with other people in some type of post apocalyptic world while there's a murderer on the loose, just surviving out here , what do they say survival of the fittest right?}

(Au: albert is a murder but he's very sloppy at his job but gets it done in the end he targets almost every group and jake wants to make it to the safer side with the rest of his group)
Jakes pov:
I don't remember how much I've been here for a but there has been a lot of people being killed I'm currently holding with a couple of survivor who were also quietly arguing with one another i didn’t really participate in this debate as i was so tired and wanted them to decide  on what are next move was, i looked around noticing some others to the side just doing their own thing.

I was sitting next to some others who didn’t care at all and just wanted no one to talk to them. Most of them also appeared out of nowhere. We didn't question it since most of us are going to be killed off at some point.

No one's p.o.v
The group had still been in the same space with the larger group growing smaller, seeming that they didn't come to an agreement they decided to call it a day, a couple of others had gone  around to give the group food , some chips, and juice. They were all just sitting around, some on guard and others sleeping or chatting for a bit, Jake was just chatting with some girl who was asking how he was dragged into the whole mess.

" I was actually just chilling in my apartment really I didn't plan on leaving or well leaving my place that day you know" jake respond

"Mhhhmhhh but how'd you join the group though like how'd you get to this part of the side" jake thought about it he had some sort of blockage "I guess after people kept dying back and forth I survived on my own finding some of the other members letting me join a bit paranoid but we managed, what about you?" The brunette thought about it before asking the girl " how did you join? I know they're getting a little more well I guess more tight about it" finally finishing his sentence.

" It took a lot of convincing and that I had some supplies that could be useful" ending their conversation she stayed next to Jake "I forgot what was your name?" She seemed to also make a face where it seemed that she also forgot to ask

"Angie, that's my name, yours?" Angie “ mines Jake” Angie hummed in response as she looked around makeing sure they were secluded.

“You think you will make it to the border?” angie sounded hesitant but curious jake also became hesitant and took him awhile to respond “ i’m very unsure don’t get me wrong i want to make it out of here alive but the more we move the more we lose the group somehow one of us has to be the murderer.'' Angie also agreed with him.

time skip
Albert sighed he recently was hiding in with another group after killing the last he barely managed to get out of it without having himself caught, that group was a bunch of idiots with weapons who didn’t even know how to use them.  He scavenged around and started to take some of the useful weapons and food to take.

he's already hopped multiple groups before this, always joining a new one.

“ To be fair, what's an apocalypse without some fun right Lucy?”

“ Please…. please don’t…”

“wait sally… nah that doesn’t feel right” albert plunged his knife in her arm

“ honestly i don’t really need your whining right now” albert added

His victim was still conscious and was only letting his thoughts as he sat across the other. Who was looking at him in disbelief, gasping and crying for air.

“Please, I just want to get to safety!” they mumbled before going quiet 

“ man this is supper exhausting” albert said as he looked at the other shed her last tear’s “ i apologize truly”

months taken: i lost count

hi everyone its been a long while but im currently dealing with allergies and stuff but i had this drafted a long while so i thought id post it because id know id never get to it again. 

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