Ship: ˖♡zomatikos x albert♡˖

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“walts to the unknown”

context: A walt's between two people and a very endless void nothing can go wrong
Two figures slowly danced around in a empty ballroom together. One being albert who seemed distracted.

Albert looked down at his feet wanting to make sure he didn't step on the other, and not wanting to look at the other. Albert heard something and looking for the source he noticed it was his dance partner. The male in front of him was pale with white hair and dull looking eyes, and  a black and white sweater.
“ don’t step on my feet”  he said

“what!?!? I won't, I swear!  "Albert responded seeing the other stare at him and nod as they went back in their little pattern, as he took in the music he didn’t pay too much attention letting it flood his ears. After a while he fe;t the others grip get loose and finally they were at a stop.

There sat a table with a couple of snacks and water immediately the brunette went for it he didn’t notice his thirst or hunger ethier. a thought came to mind: how long is the void, does time even exist here?

“ Is there anything you're curious about?” zomatikos asked 

“ oh.. um.. yea just a few actually” albert responded

“ I'm willing to answer as long as there is not a lot.” Albert took that information in and if he was honest he swore this has been the longest he's kept  in a longish conversation.

“ Does time exist here?” he chewed into a small piece of sandwich the continents flooding his mouth

“ i’m, unsure myself but if i’d have to say there probably is but it’s pretty slow”  zomatikos responded looking at albert the look of confusion on his face

“ don’t you like, live here?” he was dumb founded albert looked at the other again, his stare slightly boring into him.

“ yes but no it’s hard to really explain”seeing albert nod and take a sip of water he spoke up again

“ Does anything else live here besides those weird people?” recalling his very first counter of those who seemed to be in a sort of loop.

“ you’d have to find that out on your own.” zomatikkos answer didn’t help him but it did leave him to be very scared of what was out there.

After that Albert went back to eating his sandwich letting the environment sink in along with the court looking room, the pillars leading to the void, music playing, as it seems a lot of small detail was put in none that he even paid attention to the first time, it feels as if he’s been here before. like that one specific banquet he can’t recall all that well, since he efficiently had only messed around with Adam that day, a smile creeped up to his face.
small time skip

“if you’re finished i would like to dance again, if that isn’t much of a bother” zomatikos had bursted alberts little bubble reminding him of the other.

“ yes.. of course” albert said as he took the last bite of his sandwich getting up with the other as he took his hand guiding him to the middle of the ballroom albert let out a breath letting himself relax a bit, after awhile he started to let himself relax noticing he wasn’t as stiff as he was before although still worrying about stepping on the other’s feet.

Albert really liked this; he felt like he could forget everything that's happened beforehand and if he was honest zomatikos wasn’t all bad, even if he was a bit creepy. swaying along with his dance  partner he looked over to him seeing him have his closed eyes as if he was resting. relaxed even he thought this led Albert to lay his head on the others shoulder.

“ Are you tired?” zomatikos asked

“ nah i’m just taking in the moment “ albert answered earnestly

“ I see” was all Albert heard as he enjoyed their little waltz with nothing else to make him worry nothing else mattered but this exact to him, no matter how much Zomatikos was creepy in his encounters this was very nice.

The music and slow breathing could be heard as both males slowly moved side to side.

a waltz to the unknown.
bonus scene
Albert: I apologize, I swear I didn't do it on purpose!

zomatikos: it’s quite alright

adam: Oh my gosh Albert there you are! wait

Albert and zomatikos turned to the now confused British man looking at them both. that's

what he forgot adam
Hi guys! I apologize for it being short and not updating. I'm letting myself rest after finishing summer school for reasons I won't share but I tried my best to come up with ideas and pick up my keyboard.

I promise I'll try my best to upload while I still have the free time! see you then

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