Chapter Five

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So I sat there hanging out with Kat just waiting on Nik to get back and over the time we've been left alone I've decided that Kat's cool, so I look over at her "You are now officially my new best friend."

She looks at me kinda shocked "Really?"

I nod "Yes, really why do you sound so surprised?"

She shrugs slightly "Well, honestly I never really had a best friend"

It's my turn to look at her surprised "Seriously not even when you were human?" 

Kat shakes her head "Nope not even then" 

"Oh my god that's horrible everyone deserves to have a best friend so I am now your best friend, I really don't care what you've done in the past, everyone's done bad things in their life that they're not proud of or maybe you are proud of it but people shouldn't judge you for your past."

She looks at me with tears kinda pooled up in her eyes "That is one of the nicest things someone has said to me in a long time." We just sat there talking and really getting to know each other I saw the softer, nicer side of Katherine Pierce the side she hides behind her cold-hearted, no humanity façade that she puts up then we hear a door open and Nik walks in I look at him

I smile at him "Hey Nik did you find one?"

Nik smiles back at me and nods "Hello my love, and yes I did find one."

"Good hey Nik?" time to get my new bestie her freedom. 

Nik gives me a look "Yes sweetheart?"

I just smile at my boyfriend "Can I talk to you in the other room for a minute?"

"Of course, love what is it?" I turn around and wink at Kat as I grab Nik's hand and pull him into the other room. Nik looks at me "What is it, my love?"

I give my boyfriend a look, "You know that I rarely ask anything of you but this is one of the moments I am asking and I want you to give Katherine her freedom." 

He just looks at me with a raised eyebrow "Now why do you want that sweetheart?"

"Because Nik in the 2 hours you left me alone with her she's become one of my best friends and I don't want you to hurt her...... yes, I get that she betrayed you and all but it's in the past now, it's been over half a millennium,  so can you please maybe try and let it go for me?" honestly if he didn't want me befriending her he really shouldn't have left me alone with her for two hours.

He looks at me uncertainly "I don't know Lex."

I give him my puppy dog face that I know he can't resist "Please Nik just think about it okay, for me?"

He sighs, seemingly resigned realizing that he's not going to win this, "Okay fine I'm not gonna make any promises but I'll think about it."

I smile at him "Thank you Nik even if you are just thinking about it."

He shakes his head at me with a sigh, "You're welcome my love... the things I do for you, now I have some last-minute preparations for tonight but I'll give my answer when I get back."

I grin at him, knowing that he'll end up doing it but I don't say anything about that, just nod at him, "Okay Nik"

With that, he pecks me on the lips and walks out of the apartment and I walk back into the living room Kat just looks at me and says, "How in the holy hell did you manage to do get him to even think about freeing me?"

I smirk at her "Because he loves me and he'd do absolutely anything for me just because I asked him to... I don't use that I know he'll do something just because I ask him to a lot because I feel like that would be taking advantage of it and I don't want to do that and also he does these things so I don't get mad at him, he hates it when I get mad at him."


I still have absolutely no idea where Alexis is I haven't seen her since after the Decade dance I look up just in time to see Stefan sit down beside me on the couch at the boarding house he looks at me "What's on your mind?"

I sigh giving him a sad look "I was just thinking about how I have no clue where my sister is I haven't seen her since the decade dance two days ago, what if Klaus took her?" I hope he did take her I hope he keeps her too but I don't tell Stefan that.

Stefan looks at me "I'll check into that for you, okay?"

I nod giving him a fake smile "Okay thank you Stefan." and once he walks away I roll my eyes. 


Kat and I were just sitting there chillin' when the door flies open and Kat looks at the door and says "Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in Alex."

I look at her with a smirk "What is it, Kat?"

Kat looks at me with a devious glint in her eyes "Damon Salvatore and would you look at that the local history Teacher/Vampire hunter"

I look over at Alaric the smirk still present on my face "Ohhhh I remember you well you weren't exactly you when we met but ya catch my drift don't ya" 

Damon looks between me Kat and Alaric "Okay enough of this Katherine just tell us what we want to know."

Kat looks at them "Let me guess you wanna know where he's keeping his vampire and werewolf right? Well sorry to disappoint you I'm not telling you anything, not when I'm so close to possibly getting my freedom from Klaus, I'm not screwing this up so you're on your own here."


We just got to Ric's apartment, when I say we, I mean Ric and I to try and get some answers out of Katherine, and Saint Stefan wants me to see if Klaus is keeping Elena's sister hostage to Ric puts his key in and opens the door, and sends it flying open I'm standing in the doorway we Katherine looks at the girl in the room with her which I'm gonna assume is Elena's sister then Katherine says "well, well, well look what look what the cat dragged in Alex"

Alex smirks looking back at Katherine "What is it Kat?"

Katherine looks at her and smirks "Damon Salvatore and would you look at that the local history Teacher/Vampire hunter"

Alex looks at Ric still smirking "Ohhhh I remember you well you weren't exactly you when we met but ya catch my drift don't ya" 

Wait that means she knew about Klaus being in Ric's body the whole time so that means he's not keeping her here against her will she's here because she's on his side I look between Katherine, Alex, and Ric "Okay enough of this Katherine just tell us what we want to know."

Katherine looks at us "Let me guess you wanna know where he's keeping his vampire and werewolf right? Well sorry to disappoint you I'm not telling you anything, not when I'm so close to possibly getting my freedom from Klaus, I'm not screwing this up so you're on your own here." 

Then she slams the door in our faces I turn and look at Ric "Well then it looks like we are on our own here huh?"

He nods "Yep looks like it"

At the Boarding House

As soon I as walk through the door Stefan and Elena are both looking at me "So did he kidnap her like he did with Katherine?"

I look at the two of them "Nope he didn't kidnap her, she was there yes but she wasn't being forced she wanted to be there she knew he was here and in Ric's body the whole time."

Elena looks at me "How do you know that?"

I look at the two of them "It was something she said"

Elena gives me a look "What did she say"

"Well, she looked at Ric and said "Ohhhh I remember you well you weren't exactly you when we met but ya catch my drift don't ya" So therefore she knew that it was Klaus but she kept that information to herself because she's been on his side the entire time."


Love the friendship between Kat and Lex. Also, just another quick reminder that this is not completely following the TVD canon. 

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