Chapter Six

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Ugh okay so I know I said that I wanted her to be there but I wanted her there against her will not by choice ugh she makes me so mad.


I look over at Kat "That was a smart move not telling them anything."

Kat shrugged giving me a look, "Well, I'm so close to finally maybe being free from running I am so not going to screw it up now. I've been running for 500 years always looking over my shoulder it will be nice to not have to do that."

I smile at her "Yeah I bet it will be now if Nik gets back before me tell him that I went to go check on my little brother okay?" 

Kat nodded at me, "Yeah of course Alex" 

I smile at her, "Thanks, Kat"

Gilbert House
I walk into the house and the only person I see is Jenna so I walk over to her "Hey Aunt Jenna." 

She jumps and turns around "Oh my god Alex you scared the crap out of me, when did you get back?" 

I give her a sheepish smile, "Sorry Aunt Jenna I didn't mean to scare you and I've been back for maybe a week Elena didn't tell you I was here?" 

She smiled at me, "It's okay Alex and no she did tell me that you were back" 

I scoffed at that but wasn't surprised, "Well why doesn't that surprise me like at all" Jenna just looks at me and smiles again but I can tell that something is bothering her because the smile doesn't reach her eyes "What is on your mind, Aunt Jenna?"

She sighed, "It's just that everybody's lying to me about something and I know they think that they are protecting me but I can handle whatever it is that they won't tell me." 

She deserves to know the truth, she could protect herself better if she knew and if they won't tell her I will so I look over at her "Do you really wanna know?" 

She gives me a surprised look, "Wait you know too?" 

I nod in conformation, "Yeah but you deserve to know the truth it will be safer knowing than not knowing and I am willing to tell you" 

"Okay Alex yes, I want to know what is so important, that nobody will tell me what's going on"

"Okay, Aunt Jenna I'm gonna warn you before I say anything what I'm about to tell you will change everything that you thought you knew" 

She had a determined look on her face, "Tell me I can handle this Alex" 

I smile at her "Do you believe in the supernatural?" 

She was quiet for a moment, "Yeah, I guess... I mean Miranda used to tell me stories when I was younger." 

I nod at her, "Okay well, this town Is full of supernatural creatures" 

"Like what?" 

"like Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, there's this thing called a Doppelgänger, and Hybrids." 

"Wait so Vampires are real"

I nod at her "Yep they are very real which is why you need to be careful who you invite into the house" 

She looks at me confused "Why?" 

"Because vampires have to be invited in before they can enter a house owned by a human" 

She nodded absorbing the information, "Ohhh so do you know who is supernatural?"

I nod "Yes I do know and I will tell you right now Stefan, Damon & Caroline are Vampires, Bonnie is a Witch, Tyler Lockwood is a Werewolf, and Elena is the Doppelgänger, so any questions so far?" 

She nods "Umm yeah what the hell is a Hybrid?" 

"Okay I was getting to that one but anyway a hybrid is both a vampire and a werewolf and as of right now there is only one."

"Okay, do you know who the Hybrid is?" 

I grinned at her, I couldn't help it thinking about Nik always makes me smile, "yes I do it just happens to be my boyfriend but he hasn't broken the curse that keeps him from being a hybrid yet so technically right now he's just a vampire his name is Niklaus but I call him Nik like his family does but everyone else knows him as Klaus."

"Curse? What do you mean curse? How does he break this curse?" 

"There is a sacrifice where he needs a vampire and werewolf, the doppelgänger and a witch to do the spell." 

"So, is Elena gonna die in this sacrifice?" 

"Yes, Aunt Jenna I'm afraid so." 

"When is this happening and who else is going to be used in the sacrifice?" 

"Since tonight is a full moon it happens tonight and well I know the witch but that's it but I can assure you that he isn't gonna come after you or Jer" 

She looks alarmed, "Come after us to what?" 

"To make you a vampire to use in the sacrifice I have already made that arrangement." 

"Wait how do you know that?" 

"Because I made him promise to leave you and Jeremy out of this and he will just to avoid making me mad..... he hates when I'm mad at him, and it's because he loves me that he will listen to me and well pretty much only me. And that is everything Aunt Jenna ohh wait no there's one more thing" 

"What is it?" 

"Alaric is a vampire hunter but he's friends with Damon and the vampires in this town."

She nods "Okay well I just have one more question?" 

"What is it" 

"How did you find out about the supernatural?" 

"Well I was 14 and I found some of Uncle Grayson's vampire hunting stuff and he didn't want to lie to me so he told me everything, even how me and Elena were adopted and he also told me who our birth parents are but Elena doesn't know, I know that." 

She looked surprised at that, "Oh wow so who are they I don't even know that. I knew that you and Elena were adopted though Miranda made me promise not to tell you guys until they were ready to tell you and Elena." 

"Uncle John is our biological father and our mother's name is Isobel Flemming but I don't really know anything else about her just her name."

I hope you guys enjoy chapter 6 :D And Lex told Jenna everything about the supernatural before Elena got the chance to (not that she would have anyway but YAY) and she reacted pretty well don't you think? 

Alexis Gilbert {N.M}Where stories live. Discover now