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"You're seriously taking Jake's dating advice again?"

"Y/n that man hasn't had a girlfriend since like high school! and he most definitely does not give out good advice!" Rue said, you were currently on Facetime with her getting ready for this so-called date Jake had set you up on.

"I told him no but he kept insisting plus his friend doesn't look bad, he was attractive... hopefully his personality is better than the previous guy" You admitted, shivering at the thought "By the way Rue we're coming over to your house later today... sorry about yesterday."

"Y/n, don't apologize for yesterday it's no biggie, Mom's to blame I don't know what got into her yesterday." She reassured you "But I still feel bad we could have just ignored her instead of leaving."

"Enough okay? I said it was fine; now tell me what you're planning on wearing!?" Rue asked excited to see what you would wear

"Jake said it's an aquarium date! But I'm still not sure what to wear" You exclaimed.

"Y/n!" You heard Luke shout before a loud knock was heard on your door. "Come in" You responded

"I don't know how you do it Y/n, I would've kicked Luke out by now," Rue said before Luke stormed in "Y/n please kick Jake out! he's hogging the tv and won't let me watch, he doesn't even live here yet he's here more than you are!?"

"Luke, not now can't you see Y/n's getting ready?" Rue told Luke rolling her eyes at him "You're seriously taking Jake's dating advice again? he hasn't even had a girlfriend since like... high school."

"That's what I said! Is he that good at persuading people into doing things?" Rue questioned "No, Y/n just never knows how to say no to him"

"It's not that I can't... it's more that he can never take no for an answer," You told them "Well... good look with this date hopefully he's not like that other guy who would pick at his nose," Luke said before bursting out into a fit of laughter following along with Rue.

"Seriously!? Both of you? That wasn't funny" You complained annoyed by your siblings "Luke's right though hopefully, he isn't weird" Rue said

"Luke get out now," You said heading to your closet "Okay, bye Rue see you later," He said before walking out.

"What should I wear?" You asked Rue on the phone. The two of you took a few minutes before deciding on an outfit you both thought would be fit for the date. "That looks nice!"

"I should be going now Rue, let's talk later when I'm over at your house!" You told her "Okay bye Y/n remember to have fun!" Rue told you before hanging up the FaceTime.

"Okay, Jake I'm done." You said walking out of your bedroom and into the living room where Jake and Luke were.

"Wow, you look amazing Y/n... I think I might have to steal you from Heeseung," He joked while holding onto your hands before letting go with a shy smile adorned on his face and making his way into the kitchen to search for his keys.

This whole scene caused Luke to raise his eyebrow at you. "I swear it's not how it looks and while I'm gone please don't make a mess," You told him before awkwardly walking away.

"Uh huh" Was all you heard before Jake walked out of the kitchen with his car keys in hand. "Let's go I think Heeseung should already be there," Jake said opening the front door for you.

"Jake, did this friend of yours agree because he wanted to or did you also pressure him into saying yes?" You ask him stepping into the car.

"Why do you ask" Jake questions you pursing his lips and avoiding eye contact. "So you did pressure him into saying yes?"

"No? He said yes after I asked him"

"And how many times did you ask him?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you're finally going on a date! It's about time!"

"It's about time. Jake, you haven't had a girlfriend since high school,"

"And? you haven't either, we're on the same page here Y/n," He tells you before pulling out of the driveway. "Anyways I think you'll like Heeseung! you guys are like the same person just opposite gender"

The rest of the drive was Jake telling you about Heeseung before you reached the aquarium.

"Heeseung said he's in the cafe inside and he's wearing a white shirt with jorts so look for a guy with that on, I'll see you later Y/n"

"Bye Jake!" You said before entering the aquarium. You looked around the cafe before spotting an exact description of the male Jake had described to you.

"Are you Heeseung?" You asked making your way to him. This caused him to tear his vision away from his phone. "Oh yeah, your Y/n right?" You nodded at this giving him confirmation it was you.

"I'm just going to say this right now I'm not looking for a relationship right now... You're beautiful, and from what I've heard from Jake you seem nice and I'm sure you are but I just got out of a 3-year relationship and I only agreed to this because Jake wouldn't leave me alone," Heeseung told you, to say you were dumbfounded was an understatement you couldn't believe what he was telling you.

"Seriously? I am so sorry I had no idea Jake did all of this," You told him. "If it makes you feel any better Jake did the same thing to me when my ex broke up with me." You said trying to cheer him up a little.

"I don't know why Jake's so obsessed with playing Cupid when he's not even good at it. If you want I can leave, again I am really sorry Jake did all of this" You told him ready to make your way out of the aquarium.

"No! It's fine I was just telling you so I wouldn't lead you on or anything. I'd love to be friends with you, you seem like a great person from the way Jake talks about you" Heeseung tells you. "I already bought two tickets, where should we go first?"

"How about we see the jellyfish first!" You told him

"Sure, let's go!"

Y'all I am so sorry for leaving for so long, I promise I'll start posting more chapters soon🫡

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