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Together, the both of you ventured inside the aquarium, exploring the various exhibits showcasing the beauty of marine life. As the both of you strolled past colorful schools of fish and mesmerizing coral reefs, What Jake told you seemed to be right; You and Heeseung effortlessly engaged in conversations about your shared interests in your love for the ocean.

The moment the both of you reached the jellyfish exhibit, You couldn't help but feel captivated. The iridescent creatures floated gracefully, their tendrils trailing delicately through the water, mesmerizing you with their beauty. You turned to Heeseung, your eyes filled with awe. "Aren't they amazing?"

Heeseung nodded, his gaze locked on the jellyfish. "Absolutely. It's like they're dancing in their own ethereal world." He tells you

The both of you continued your journey through the aquarium, spending the rest of the day exploring different exhibits. Laughing, sharing stories, and embracing the wonders of the deep sea creatures. As you approached the grand finale of your visit, the whale shark exhibit, You couldn't help but be filled with a sense of contentment.

The enormous creatures glided majestically through the water, their presence commanding respect and awe. You marveled at their size, feeling a sense of smallness in comparison. Beside you, Heeseung let out a quiet gasp, his eyes shining with wonder.

"Isn't it incredible, y/n?" He exclaimed softly. "Despite their size, they move with such grace and gentleness." Your heart swelled with appreciation for Heeseung's ability to find beauty even amidst his struggles. Heeseung turned to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. You both stood side by side, watching the whale sharks glide effortlessly through the water.

To say the least the "date" with Heeseung went well. You both exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch, you did confront Jake about what he did once you came back home which he apologized to both of you for.


Now the three of you were heading to Rue's house like you had promised her, Jake had told you he had a meeting with his modeling agent so he wouldn't be there but he did offer you and Luke a ride which you both accepted, he did bring a small gift for Rue and Aiden before leaving. Entering the couple's driveway you were met with Aiden watering the plants outside.

"Hey, Aiden! Is Rue inside?" You asked as you and Luke walked up to him.

"She is she's been waiting for the both of you to get here"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now