Chapter 5: The city

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To reach the city, we utilized a sophisticated transportation system known as "Transit Capsules." These capsules were specifically designed to navigate the high-speed conduits of the Reg Society, enabling swift and efficient travel. As newcomers, the Narval House restricted us from using their personal airships and drones, so the "Transit Capsules" became our primary mode of transport.

The excitement for the trip was noticeable in the environment. As we shed our Narval uniforms for regular clothes, our personalities seemed to transform. Mark, who was always vibrant and full of life, donned a shirt with bold stripes of red, yellow, and orange, that seemed to reflect his colorful nature. Laura, with her more mysterious and edgy demeanor, opted for black short trousers, a grey tank top, and a windbreaker.

I didn't have personal clothes yet so Kate kindly offered me some of her old ones, which surprisingly fit well. I chose a comfortable blue blouse with a yellow hoodie and paired it with short black jeans. As we gathered, our appearance no longer defined us solely as Narval Officers; we were now a group of friends, ready to explore the city and have fun.

As we made our way out of the Narval House, we encountered another group of Officers heading in the opposite direction, returning from their work duties. And there, among them, was Heather. An impulse surged through me, and before I could overthink it, I reached out and touched her shoulder. "Hey, Heth... Lead" I said. Shit. A rush of nerves invaded my veins. She turned around and smiled as she realized it was me. That made me feel better. "Hey," I repeated a bit awkwardly.

"Hey," She echoed engaging in a repetition game."I hadn't recognized you in this new outfit" Heather remarked, examining my clothes, which made me feel oddly self-conscious.

"Oh, yeah, well, it's Kate's clothes... I don't have any of my own yet. I hope to buy some today, we are going to the city" I explained.

"Then, you need to get a yellow hoodie; it suits you," she said kindly. The topic of clothes made me feel flustered, and her scrutiny of my appearance only added to my nervousness.

"Yeah, I will, probably. I was wondering, would you like to come with us?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but inside, dying to hear a positive response.

"Oh I would love to, but I can't, actually," she replied, and a sudden wave of sadness washed over me.

"But we can hang out another day if you want," she suggested, evidently catching onto my disappointment.

"It's just that I have other plans," she added.

"Yeah, sure, you don't have to justify or anything, I should have thought you would be busy," I said, downplaying my own feelings. What had I been thinking? Had I gone mad? Why would Heather, the Lead of the border, want to join a group of newcomers on a trip to the city? She had responsibilities here, and probably real friends to spend time with. I felt deeply embarrassed until Heather interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, I'm not always busy," she said confidently, and I could sense she meant it. The tension in me eased, and I felt more at ease.

Suddenly, Kate's voice rang out, breaking the moment, "Grace! If you don't come now, I'll leave you behind like I do in combat training!" Her playful threat elicited laughter from the group. I glanced back at Kate and gestured to signal that I was coming.

"I think I have to leave," I said, turning back to Heather.

"Yeah, it looks like you do. Have fun, Grace, you deserve it," Heather replied with a warm smile, before turning away and continuing on her way.

"Bye," I whispered as I watched her go.

The trip with the transit capsules was more fun than I'd expected. I spent almost all the time looking at the outside. Far from what I thought, the city was impressive and beautiful. Unlike the obscured view I had from the Narval House, the city was a sight to behold. The streets below buzzed with activity as people from all walks of life bustled about, creating a colorful mosaic of diverse cultures and styles. Parks and squares were scattered throughout the city, offering pockets of tranquility amidst the urban hustle. Very different than the one I had experienced when I was on the other side where the air seemed unbreathable.

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