It's my first ff and hoping my readers will like it , so before going further I'm already telling you that English is not my first language if I do any mistake Just try to understand and I hope u all enjoy this lesss go~~~\(*.*)/

Suddenly open your eyes at the buzzing sound of your phone with annoyed face hands in search of phone but eyes still half opened or we can say  you scrunch your eyes to see a better view once the phone gets into your hands looking at the screen and boom realization hitting* no slapping so hard. Your day starts with troubles and problems as usual but today is a special day .

" what time is it huaah?!"  U says while yawning and opening your mouth enough big that a bug could be enter in it ,"The t--ti--time oh sh!t its past 7:30 how can i be so irresponsible at such a special day f*ck!".

Running towards the bathroom in speed of light not even noticing the messy hair of yours , usually after u awoke u always check yourself in mirror as if u care about yourself the same as a celebrity does . well from using toilet till applying your skin care u didn't waste a second just continuously doing it .

After coming out of the bathroom heading towards the wardrobe to take out your clothes from it , which is a simple white top and blue jeans as the weather is just neutral not too cold and not too hot. Immediately changes your clothes in your room as u live alone in a small apartment noticing the wall clock u still have 15 minutes left.

 Immediately changes your clothes in your room as u live alone in a small apartment noticing the wall clock  u still have 15 minutes left

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Just like this one , thats what i prefer for decent type girl but if u don't  like this u can imagine any of the style of your choice :)

 when u changed your outfit , searching for your keys to put it inside the  purse and finally the last thing to grab is black gown with the hat , it is easy to predict now what kind of special day today is .

In the current scene you are running  eventually breathing heavily the sound of your breathe can easily be heard by anyone passing a few meters close to u .

"yah ajhussi stop !! *ah huh ah huh* stop the bus " saying this u stand in front of  the moving bus like you have really wish to die today ,waving your hands to get driver's attention towards u . ofcourse he doesn't want to a murderer so he stops the bus immediately .

That is the best way to avoid getting late (no matter even if u lose your life ) "thank u so much ajhussi *u bowed*here is my card " u says and then swiping the card on machine " f*ck ! why is it not working at such critical moment " u curse to yourself and the card as well ." hand it to me " ajhussi says  , u  give that card to him hoping it will work from his miraculous hands .

Just when the ajhussi swipes the card the buzzer starts beeping that made u slightly smiles at ajhussi u thanked him and turned back to look for an unoccupied space to sit .

The bus stops on its spot which is near your university ,so there will be no more trouble to approach your friends from their . getting off from the bus running rapidly as much as u can while glace at your wrist watch once to make sure u step inside at just perfect time .

"hey ! y/n here , come here y/n " a group of your friends invite u ," oh yeah i'm coming guys wait for me " u said still running . " i'm sorry for being late here *heavily breathing*" one of your friend hands u a water bottle , " thanks yeonah" u said and immediately opens the cap of the bottle not waiting a mini second gulping down the water into your fully dry throat .

"finally the wait is over guys i can't tell how i just came here the struggles of today are unforgettable to me i'm never gonna remove this out off my brain!" u says with bittersweet emotions .

"y/n just leave it and come lets take some picture this is our Graduation Day and more like our last day here" park seoyeon your bestfriend says while pulling your hands ." i can see how problematic your morning was "she says with a pity face .

Right now you are taking pictures in your black gown and hat  which is specially students wear on their graduation day.

As everyone taking pictures you are already done with photo session so you are just standing their and claiming all the gifts and bouquets given by your teachers and some other friends

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As everyone taking pictures you are already done with photo session so you are just standing their and claiming all the gifts and bouquets given by your teachers and some other friends .

"wow u must be happy for leaving me behind " a similar voice coming into your ears from a very close distance even u can feel the breathe on the back of your neck, you turn around to look who is standing behind u that person's hands holds your shoulders a lil gently but tightly ."don't move tell me who u think i'm" he says . " do u think i'm a kid or fool " u says to him .

"oh cmon i'm having some fun u can't even understand my childish feelings for u " he says with disappointment ," yah! sorry my bad i didn't know you are upset cuz i'm  leaving  tommorrow "

You again attempt to turn around for a better view of your dissapointed boyfriend jackson ,  "come here i will u a big hug okay ?!"  u open your arms wide to let him grab u in his embrace .          

tell me my sweet readers how is this chapter? i will try my best to give it more enthusiastic look i hope u all give me your sweet comments  

love you all bye bye until next part ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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