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"oh Mr min you are here how come i didn't know about your arrival "

She then turned to you and said " y/n take him into the living room , i still have few clothes left".

You hummed in response and asked that Mr min to "head in please " and pointed towards the direction of the door of the living room .

Y/n pov :
Looks like he is someone very close to eomma appa cause its impossible to identify anyone who is this much completely covered from head to toe can't even figure out if he is human ( i know its too much but as an overthinking person its is just normal).

" Mr min you are still here ?" the voice of your eomma enters in your ears. with that you turned back to see what you have done now and the roaring eyes of your mother indirectly slapping your a$$ off " sh!t not again " you whispered in your mind .

" ah --uh um -- eo -- eomma i was just " you awkwardly tried to handle the situation ,"haha Mr min i thought you already had went inside " you had to shown the fakest smile ."* thank u so much Mr for becoming a source of trouble *" you muttered .

You walked near him and turned the door knob and signaled him to enter inside at which he didn't even bother to look , He walked towards the couch and you asked him to sat down .afterwards you were just standing there a little far from the couch resting your back on a pillar lost in your thoughts while judging him by his appearance ( like who doesn'T) .

" y/n is it necessary for u to work only when i ask you to?"  your eomma stated in disappointment , " uh - - ah eo - eomma i was waiting for you "you internally face palmed , and handled the situation as usually .

" go and ask him  what he prefers cold or hot  for drink , while i prepare something for him to eat " eomma stated or more like teaching you how to host a guest .

" alright mam " you gave her a thumbs up  and went to ask him . " so Mr min what do you prefer for drink cold or hot?" .

And he replied " neutral " .( thats the straightest answer  i've ever heard ) -_- *.

" okay I'll go and come with a glass of water "you smiled  and left to brought  a glass of water . you took a glass and walked towards the water dispenser and poured. Water into the glass and turned around , " y/n i don't have enough time to look after Mr min , could you accompany him instead of me until your appa come back to home" your mom asked with hopefull eyes .

" no worries eomma I'll not disappoint you anymore , you can leave i think you are getting late for work " you assured her.   She hummed in response with a bright smile on her face . " I'll  go and hand him the glass of water " you said heading towards the living room. You putted the tray on the table which was placed in front of Mr min , and stepped back " you can remove your mask its safe here " you stated .

He removed his mask just after a gorgeous face revealed that made your jaw dropped. He leaned towards the table to grabbed the glass in his hands and took the glass closer to his plumpy lips and started gulpping down the water , his uncovered neck yes the adams apple where your focus were as he was gulping  the water .his adams apple was moving up and down .

" woahhhhhh " you gasped.

That move his attention towards you his sleepY cat eyes that were staring at you made you shook away your thoughts as you were spaced out a while ago . You cleaned your throat " My name is kang y/n as you've already heard it many times from my mother's mouth hhaha what about you?" you asked.

He putted that glass on the table " Yoongi my name is " he replied .

You made an 'oh' face and then your eyes grew bigger due to some old memory realization " ah i see well this name---- i - i think I've heard a similar name before " you started processing your goldfish memory.

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