After 2 hours of flight you departed to daegu Airport.

You were driving the luggage carrier trolley inside of the airport and searching for exit door , after few moments you came out of the airport and searched for a cab and guided the driver your destination( home).

Presently you are sitting in the cab as your home is a few distance away so you tried  your best to not sleep or else it will be difficult for the driver to wake you up . After drive of 15 minutes the car stops at the main entrance of your alley in which your house is located .

"Mam we are arrived " the driver said and glance in the back mirror to check if you are awake or not .  " oh thank you so much ajhussi for taking me here ,here is my card" you said and gave him the card but again that card was not working " I.... I think I should find cash in my purse wait ajhussi  " u state while smiling in pain and hands in search of cash , " aah just come out come out oh God !plz don't let me embarrass f*ck I hate this " you were just praying that some miracle would have happened ,"I found it here ajhussi here u go " u took  your hands out of the pocket gripping enough amount of cash that can save you from getting embarrass .

You were not sure about how your house looks like at this moment because your dad said to you a year ago that they painted whole house so it must be looking different from the one you always used to watch while growing . Your heart was beating at the fastest pace at each step you were taking forward towards the house after few steps a familiar fragrance of flowers can be smelled from a close distance and it was coming out the house from your right hand side .

"IM Hereeeeeeeee eommaaaaaaa Appaaaaaaaa your daughter is here " you shout out loud while ringing the door bells aggressively ." I'm Coming, who is it?" It was your Appa ,he open the door and you immediately run towards him and hugged ." Yaaah y/n my sweet daughter !you are finally back ,I can't explain how much I missed u all these years"your Appa said while hugging u back with tighten grip around your shoulders , " good! you two forgot me again you forgot your eomma in these years Huh!" Your Eomma  from behind said  turning her back dramatically to show that she is angry.

You broke the hug and look behind your Appa to see your eomma "Appa I think I made her angry let me first fix your wife's mood hm " u said and ran towards your eomma opening your arms to hug her " awwww eomma I missed you so much my precious mother I love you so much so so much you know this right ?how could you thought that I have forgotten you , never ever I always kissed your forehead through picture before going to bed and you were saying that I forgot u ?hm "you asked in a cute sadden pout .

"Don't say this you want me to shed tears in front of u huh? I know my daughter loves me a lot I was just joking come here I didn't even hit you since many years ,years passed like centuries to me without you y/n " your eomma states and there her eyes filled with tears .

"Ummmmmmm! Eomma your hands are miraculous what a delicious meal it is cooked by you "you said,"it's because you didn't get to eat it since so many years ,but her cooking is getting tasteless day by day " your Appa said in a teasing tone "ahan! Is that so ?why don't you just say that your taste buds are getting old day by day " your eomma mrs Kang replied . You laugh watching them fighting over such small things ,that was admirable fight In between your parents .during dinner you shared some talks and after finishing your meal you helped your eomma to clean dishes .

It's almost midnight and  you are watching tv  while laying on the couch feeling a lot tired ,you were so focused while watching tv that u didn't realize your Appa was standing beside the couch and watching you with a lovely smile patched on his face then he cleared his throat and states "you must be tired y/n you should go to your room and should  sleep well look at yourself you are continuously yawning out of tiredness get up my girl " you move your attention towards your father and replied " yeah Appa I think I should go to sleep I'm not even in a right state to walk can u just help me and take me to my room or else I'll fall on the floor " ,he chuckles at your statement .

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