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"Y/n he is that boy"

Hearing this your eyes got wide open and then you heard something "okay so you two handle the situation im leaving "said your eomma .well it's like salt over a wound ,that (situation) is now getting worse .

You are searching a way to prevent the embarrassment in your mind , As your eomma was already had gone for work so right now you had to dealt with it .

" I'm sorry for my past mistake I was amateur back then " said yoongi , you turn your head towards him and the site in front of you made you jaw drop . He was freakin bowing with 90 degree angle in front of you as an apology act . You immediately stood up from the couch " ah um no I mean like I forgave you already I'm sorry it's my fault I shouldn't have use such bad word for some one so plz suit yourself" trying to handle the situation you said whatever came to your mind .

He stood straight and opened his mouth to say " you don't need to feel sorry i didn't know you are y/n other wise I was waiting for this day I mean to to see you again in a person so that I can ask for forgiveness ". You were listening to him very carefully with an embarrassing look on your face .

" I didn't ruin your dress intentionally it was a mistake " his head hung low while saying these words .

Y/n pov:
Oh cmon it's not that I mean why do I have to face such crucial moments in my life just why why why !!wait no he didn't do it intentionally I already knew that but still why the Fu** did I Just open my mouth oh god plz just make a hole in this floor I wanna be buried right away arghhhhhhh .

"Y/n " a very polite voice enters in your ears which made you shook your thoughts away . " I'm hoping for a positive answer from you " he said still staring at the floor ."Mr min it was a mistake you said u didn't do it intentionally and mistakes are done by human beings so u don't have to apologize for something that was a mistake and it was all my faults I should've forget it till now and I even used a curse word for u " you answered .
" if that's the case then I think there is no misunderstanding left right ?" He asked just to confirm for the last time .

"Well it doesn't suit your personality " you said while heading back to your spot .and he replied " what doesn't suit ?according to you miss y/n " he emphasized your name ." Apologize , yeah apologizing along with bowing you have financially high standards according to my knowledge why a rich person like you bow in front of a middle class girl " .

" huh ! Your knowledge su** " he smirked while moving head towards random directions .

Y/n pov:
This man has more mood swings than me when I'm on my periods . Well what should I talk about next I'm running out of topics to discuss about arghh Appa where are you ?......

" ah Ahm so Mr min " gathering your courage you spoke, at which he moved his attention towards you .

" y/n............. Come outside " your eomma shouted from outside her voice was a little bit trembling while she was shouting your name. seems like she is crying or something , you immediately got up from the couch and ran out of the living room and the site in front of you gave chills down your spine .your legs felt unstable to stand and your tears started to form in your eyes which blurred your vision , you wiped all your tears and walked near your mother who was weeping while looking at your father .

There were two man holding your father tightly and then one of them explained whole situation what happened to your father " we were passing by the near street when we saw him struggling to walk while holding his chest we both went to him and asked him to come to the hospital near by but he refused and said he has a guest at home and he is waiting for him And said that he is completely fine but we couldn't leave him in such complicated situation but please take him to the hospital as soon as possible otherwise " he sighed .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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