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That unsettled everybody.

Just as Hallez had expected and imagined, the crowd collectively gasped, in fear, disgust, pity, or all of the above, and started to shuffle backwards, filing through the gate in the wall, muttering amongst themselves. She heard Fiona do a sharp intake of breath beside her, and couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

To his credit, Tim tried not to show any other reaction other than surprise, but he looked a bit shocked. "The daughter of the god of Death, huh? That's...unusual."

"More than unusual." One of the other purple cloaked legionnaire, the male one, around Hallez's age, stepped forward. "But we have more important matters to discuss. We will have a talk about your father later. First however, I'm tired of standing out here, so let's move this inside the Praetorium, and hope the rest of the legion doesn't freak out too much."


Hallez was ushered over to the big, grand, white marble and purple building in the center of the "Castra", so she didn't pay attention to any of the other buildings or activities. She wasn't sure what a Castra was. It sounded like a castle, but there were no castles inside.

They entered through the wooden double doors, which were polished and made of a beautiful dark brown wood, which Hal did not know the name of. The female told Fiona to wait outside, which she did, reluctantly. Then, once they were inside the Praetorium, Timothy shut them closed, and in that moment of darkness, she was wondering if "discuss" meant something else. Then her eyes adjusted to the dimmer light inside, which originated from torches on the walls.

The interior was just as big and grand as the exterior was. Polished white support beams, purple, gold and red banners, and there were two big red banners on the far wall. One that read, in bold, golden letters:


A simple image of a purple laurel wreath was wrapped around the four letters, forming an U shape.

The second big red banner had no letters, but had the image of a simple golden lyre.

Two doors led to either side of the Praetorium. A large desk was in the middle of the room, with three chairs on one side, facing the door they had just entered through, and one chair facing the other three. On one side of the room, on a pedestal, in a glass case, was a golden lyre, and on the other side, also on a pedestal, in a glass case, was a golden bow.

The three authority figures sat in the chairs facing the door. The two Hallez didn't know were next to each other on the middle and right, and Tim on the left.

The one who suggested we come inside, who was also in the middle, gestured at the other chair. "Sit."

It was not just a request. Besides, Hal had a feeling that this would take a while.

"First on the agenda," the male legionnaire said, looking down on a piece of paper he had pulled out from under the desk, "is—"

"Come one, Mark," the female legionnaire interrupted him, a grin tugging at her lips. "She's only just met us, she doesn't know our names yet, and you're just going to jump in with that ridiculous list of questions?"

Mark threw his hands up, sending the paper flying, fluttering behind them as he turned to the female. "Fine, well, what do you suggest we do first, Ms. Almighty?"

"Introductions, obviously!" She turned to Hallez, a small grin plastered on her face that she tried to get rid of, and failed. "Hallez, was it? Nice to meet you, I'm June, June Grace, daughter of Janus, god of beginnings, gates, transitions, doorways, and endings, among others. I'm one of the two praetors of Rome Ultima."

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