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I'm shocked there's still people reading—

Hallez immediately stood, and strode to the door. But before she touched the handle, she paused, thinking.

    Was this a trick? Were they trying to get to know more about her with this elaborate trick?

    It didn't seem unlikely at least. But what choice did she have? Stay here to be interrogated while her friends were out there, with the deadline being in less than three days, assuming it was still July fifth?

    She sincerely hoped it was still July fifth.

    Either way, she had to get out and find her friends and the Sword and Shield.

    She took a deep breath, and grabbed the handle, pushed down, and swung it open. Immediately, as she crossed the threshold, a blaring alarm sounded, and red lights flashed, alerting two people who she assumed to be guards. They turned, and pointed their guns at her, but she was already running towards one of them, grabbing his gun and twisting it out of the guard's grasp. She kicked the guard in the back of the knee, and knocked him out with the gun.

    Hallez grabbed the guard, hauling him up, and used him as an uncooperative, unconscious human shield against the other guard, who hesitated, unable to get a clear shot without hurting his partner.

    She knew talking wasn't going to work, and she wasn't really the talking type, so she just silently sidled backwards, watching her step while making sure the guard was in front of her. It was just a little exhausting, especially since she had the large gun in her other hand. She considered threatening to kill the guard, and get the other one to drop his own weapon, but something about that idea made her nervous. So what if she was the daughter of Death? It wasn't like she agreed with the idea of killing without thinking.

    However, before she went far enough to reach another corridor, she felt the cold, metal barrel of a gun on the back of her head.

    "Drop the guard, Ms. Kane," an unfamiliar voice said. "And the gun, if you will."

    She sighed, cursing at herself internally. She dropped the guard on the ground as gently as she could, and then the gun, which she heard was kicked away by someone. She raised her hand up in surrender.

    "Nice try," they said sarcastically. "But you'll have to do better. Now get back in the room."


It was just cruel that they left Hallez's room open, teasing her. She wasn't even stuck to the bed. However, a total of four guards were now posted outside, insight of the door, and all four were annoyingly paranoid about her. If she paced in the direction of the door, or just glanced at it, they would tense up, and raise their gun a little, until she rolled her eyes, turning away from the door again to continue pacing.

    She tried to keep track of the time, and figured it must've been at least half an hour since her attempt and failure of an escape. Possibly more. Time was moving slowly, and she didn't have anything to do, so she just paced. She was also hungry, but she didn't really have the room in her brain or the appetite to think about food.

    It was starting to get on the guards' nerves though. Which was good.

    "Will you stop that incessant pacing?!" one of them demanded.

    Hallez openly ignored her.

    They let out a melodramatic groan of annoyance.

    "Can't we just call Agent Ev?" another asked. "Isn't he coming back soon anyway?"

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