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~Eye contact is way more intimate than words could ever be.

We never had any actual talks. Yet, we communicated 1000 different things. Even though he sat behind me, every other time I see him anywhere else or turned around or passed by him in the corridor, that one second of eye contact was much deeper than any ocean could ever be.

The days when we never even talked or teased didn't feel like I haven't talked to him because even if my eyes met his for a second, it felt as if I'd had him in touch for a long time. That I have talked to him.

I always wondered what crossed his mind when his eyes met mine.

It's the connection I couldn't explain.

It was as if both of us are completely different people until it was all lost after a second.

He did not come to school the other day. And the whole day was stale and unexciting. It was as if something was missing, and that was Archer.

I kept thinking about him. I kept thinking if I like him? But, even if I do, it is not that easy to just accept it. It doesn't feel right to call him a crush at all, because if there is one thing I know is that I Do Not have a crush on him.

The day was going awfully slow. It was Monday, how else would I expect it to be?

"So, hence it is proved that LHS=RHS"


"The reproduction process in plants.........


"The essay writing is one of the most important topics.........


"You can all go for your lunch."


And so, the whole day went by, period after period, but he did not leave my mind.

It was all Archer, Archer, and Archer.

All those sweet moments we had during our performance, the words that he's said to me, the way he looks at me. Everything was playing on a loop in my head.

Should I message him asking him why he was absent?

I took my phone and started to type, and I deleted it and again typed, and I ended up not sending the message to him.

The next day, I was waiting till he came. As usual he comes really late, and he did. Finally!

I was glad that he came to school. He sat behind me getting small nod from me as a 'Hi' and I got the same in return.

"Why were you absent?" I asked

"I wasn't feeling well."

"Oh. Your better now?"

"Yeah, I am. Thanks." He said.

He had scratches on his fingers and his face.

"What is up with these?" I asked looking at his face where he had those marks.

"Oh, that's nothing." He said trying to cover it up.

"Are you a secret fighter?" I asked jokingly.

And he gave me a death glare, so I was like okay, I'm done.

"Catch me up. What all did you do yesterday?" He asked.

"Well, in English ma'am went on about-

"Except studying." He cut me off.

"Then what else do you want to know?"

"Did you do something about Luke?" He asked.

"Ew. No. I don't like him anymore." I replied.

"Why is that so? Did he tell you something?" He asked, showing more interest in that topic.

"No, he dint. Why?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing, why did you stop liking him?" He asked. I could sense that he was hiding something. But I let that slip for now.

"I don't know, can't stick with one person for too long." I merely said.

"You have a serious problem." He joked.

"Not as concerning as those marks you've got on your face and knuckles" I said.

"it's nothing." He replied with a straight face.

"As you say."

There it went, the whole day with all of us playing and talking Nonsense. Even though I told him I don't like Luke anymore, he still dint leave me and him.

This was because I still talk to Luke more than I talk to Archer. Luke and I are like buddies.

"Claire, what have you been doing with Luke uh?" He teased.

"Will you shut up!" I sternly told him.

"Exactly bro, enough. Aren't you tired of teasing." Luke came in.

"Andy! Do you know what these two people do?" He went on to Anderson and started blabbering stuffs to him.

Okay now I'm starting to feel a distance with him. What's his need to go tell each and every one something or the other about me and Luke.

He kept doing this till the next few weeks which made me go with Luke more than Archer.

But it's true for a fact that it's not fun without him, and it's better when he is there, the atmosphere is just more vibrant, but that doesn't mean that I like him.

No wonder why it doesn't suit when I say that I might have a crush on him, because I know that I don't.  

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