Part 2

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Reba's P.O.V

Narvel and I head into the outdoor arena, and I am smiling from ear to ear due to my little intimate moment with Narvel right outside. I can see that he enjoyed it too, by his goofy grin and the fact that he is flaunting me with pride. But, I also sense a bit of fierce jealousy as he glares at any man who looks at me. Little does he know, he has nothing to worry about. Narvel is the only man I'll ever love. I find my loving stare at Narvel being broken by miniscule drops of water pooling on my arms after falling from the dark, clouded sky. The steps into the arena were becoming very slippery and my heels were not proving "slip-proof". One misplaced foot step later and I had rolled my ankle and fell down multiple stairs. Everyone around me gasps and Narvel rushes to my side. Before I knew it, he had picked me up and was carrying my bridal-style back in the direction we had come from. I told Narvel," Darlin', I'm fine. I just rolled my ankle and slipped. We can stay for the concert." Narvel just kept on walking, then finally answered with a scoff, "Ha, we beat the crowd!" I contorted my body in a way so that I could see out of the windows facing the arena. Sure enough, there was a wild stampede of angry concert-goers rushing out of the rain-filled arena into the comfort of the covered area. Narvel turned to the line of waiting taxicabs and waved one of them down. I was just about to ask him why he got a taxi when we drove ourselves, but he spoke first. He whispered with a grin, "Babe, you've gained weight since I've last carried you!" I shot him my famous glare as he loaded me into the taxi cab.

Narvel's P.O.V

She's not too heavy for me to carry, I just needed an excuse to be alone with Reba and I couldn't wait a second longer. I loaded Reba into the cab then hopped in myself. She looked at me with a confused look, but it quickly changed when I cupped her face in my hands. I leaned in and began a tender kiss, while she wrapped her hand around my neck. Then, I knew it was ok to switch my focus to her pouting bottom lip. I dragged my coarse tongue along her still glossed lip, begging for permission to enter. She didn't hesitate for even a second, and I began sucking on her lower lip. She let loose a loud gasp, causing the taxi driver to look up from his driving. His eyes bulged when he saw the sight. Reba was surprised by the gasp she made and pulled away quick enough to see the taxi driver staring. I could tell she was incredibly embarrassed by the way the blood ran into her cheeks. She untangled all of her limbs from mine and turned to face the window. We soon arrived at the car and before I could pay the taxi driver and get out myself, she was limping from the cab to the car. I rushed over to open her door for her and expected the usual, "Thanks Darlin'," but I got nothing of the such. She'd soled up again, and it was my fault.

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