Part 3

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Reba's P.O.V

"Ouch, ouch, ouch," were the only words I could think of when I stepped on my right ankle. I should've waited for Narvel to help me out, but I had to get out of that taxi cab. The driver had seen Narvel and I kissing, which we agreed never to do in public. What if this cabbie goes and tells the paparazzi about our little make-out session in the back seat. I have no idea how my fans could react. They love me for many reasons, and the way I handle myself in public is one of them. I was so stupid to get caught up in the moment like that. When I finally got to the car, Narvel was there waiting with the door open for me. Come to think of it, this kissing incident was his fault. I know that I'm not too heavy for him because my weight only fluctuates about 5 pounds. He just couldn't wait to be alone with me, so he kissed me in the backseat of the cab, where anyone could've saw us, including the driver. Narvel was now in the driver's seat of the car and had turned on the engine. I wasn't going to dare look at him, because I knew he felt sorry. I would forgive him right here if I turn around, because of the way the wrinkles take shape on his forehead, the way his lower lip pouts, and lastly, his apologizing eyes that peer deep into every emotion I have. So I didn't, and he backed out of the parking spot. We had driven about 20 minutes when he finally spoke up. "First things first, I'm taking you to the hospital tomorrow to get your ankle checked out. If we don't, I'm worried it will have lasting damage on you." I nodded my head the smallest I could manage, just so that he could see that I heard him. "Second of all," his voice had changed the slightest bit, "I'm so very sorry I embarrassed you like that in the cab. I went way over the line and blew it." That was all he said. He knew it was worthless to say anything else. My heart was torn in two. One side filled with anger and annoyance, but the other side was swarming with love and guilt for this handsome man beside me.

Narvel's P.O.V

I turned on the engine and glanced at my beautiful redhead in the seat next to me. I longed to hear her voice, but I knew it was a longshot. When she soles up like this, I know it is best to leave her be. I pulled out of the parking garage with many voices filling my head. Some saying talk to her, others saying leave her be, and then there were those stupid ones that could only care about what was for dinner. I let my thoughts consume me for a good 20 minutes, but then I had to talk to her. "First things first, I'm taking you to the hospital tomorrow to get your ankle checked out. If we don't, I'm worried it will have lasting damage on you." That ankle of hers must be severely hurt, because she never limps. The fear of me telling her to take the night off was too strong. She nodded the slightest bit. "Second of all," the tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt like I had a rock in my throat, "I'm so very sorry I embarrassed you like that in the cab. I went way over the line and blew it." By this point, I had tears streaming down my face and knew it was worthless to say anything more. I pulled our car into the driveway of our buttercup yellow brick mansion and parked the car. I shut off the engine and rushed around to help Reba out of the car. I grabbed hold of her waist and shoulder and she didn't resist. She snaked her arm around my waist and began hopping her way to the front door. Once we arrived to the door, she let go of me so that I could unlock the door. We reengaged in our original position and hobbled towards the living room. I set her down on the couch and put a pile of pillows underneath her right ankle. I handed her the TV remote and hustled to the kitchen to retrieve an ice pack. Because Shelby always comes when he gets hurt, he takes the icepacks with him. I had to make a make-shift icepack by putting ice cubes in a Ziploc bag and wrapping it in paper towels. I walked back to the living room to find my beautiful wife asleep on the couch with Empire blasting on the TV. I picked her up bridal-style for the second time this evening and carried her upstairs to our bedroom.

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