Respect Of Parents

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بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ
" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

Starting with the Name of Allah Almighty, The One Who Is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries


May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, their noble companions and all the true believers present in this world or the other.


This is a chapter, I am reposting here from my book, It Started With A Hijabi's Diary,
I wanted to add it here, too, for those who haven't read it before


Someone's P. O. V

Like every morning, the school was busy, and many students walked in the corridor.
It was the exit time and the students were walking out of the school ready to go to their home.

During all this, a father and a mother were sitting on the bench outside the bench, waiting for their teenage son, sweating badly.

They were tired and their muscles were sore from sitting on the bench for a long time, and they were drenched in the sweat as it was a very hot afternoon.

After twenty to thirty minutes, their son walked out with one bag hanged on one shoulder, and laughing with his friends looking all relaxed.

When his parents saw him, they ran to him and his mother instantly hugged him.

"We had been waiting for you for almost two hours. We were getting worried. Was everything alright?"

She kissed his cheeks and his father patted his shoulder.

But their son shrugged his father's hand and got out of his mother's embrace with an embarrassed expression.

He nodded to his friends awkardly, and dragged his parents somewhere else.

"Who said you to behave like this in front of my friends? Do you know how embarassed I feel?
I am an educated person, if only you had got some education. You would have known the way how to behave".

His parents looked down, and their hearts broke and they had tears in their eyes.

The son who was unfazed rolled his eyes, until a boy of his age who was walking through the way heard all this, grabbed the person from his collar gave him a hard shove.

In the back of his mind, he knew that this wasn't the right way. But after hearing all the rubbish the boy talked to his parents, he couldn't control.

"Who do you think you are!? How dare you talk to them like that? Who gave you the right?", the boy's temple's veins popped out in anger,

"You are talking about education?! Don't forget who gave you all these facilities to study. If it hadn't been them or ALLAH's mercy that He gave you such an amazing parents who studied you, gave you the best food and cloth they could give you. And this is what you say?!"

The boy tried his best to control his emotions but when he looked at the stupid guy's parent's sorrowful expressions, his anger came rushing back.

"People like you are stupid enough to not realize all the sacrifices your parents made for you. They fed you, when you couldn't feed your own self. Cleaned you when you were not even capable to clean your own wastes. I have seen many parents who leave their children at young age, or make their child do child labour in the very childhood.
But no, your parents fed you, gave you so many facilities, earned and did hard work to earn money so they could provide best for you, to give your fees".

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