40 Rabbana Duas

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Starting with the name of Allah Almighty Who's Most Merciful and  The One Who Witnessed for Himself  that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.


May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, their noble companions and all the true believers present in this world or the other.


Posted by Ahmed Abdulla | Duas

40 Rabbana Dua (Best Quranic Dua)

Why do we make du'a?

The du’a is one of the believer’s best tool for changing what Allah (swt) has already decreed.

To accept one’s fate and submit to what Allah (swt) has ordained (both the good and the bad) has tremendous merit. But still, this is not to be used as a reason to excuse offering daily supplication as we learn from the hadith of Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) the power du’a can have:

“O Allah guide me among those You have guided, pardon me among those You have pardoned, befriend me among those You have befriended, bless me in what You have granted, and save me from the evil that You decreed. Indeed You decree, and none can pass decree, and none can pass decree upon you, indeed he is not humiliated whom You have befriended, blessed are You our Lord and Exalted.”

It is through supplications that we’re able to avoid any hardship or evil, and for us ease in any difficult task that Allah (swt) has currently written for us. It is because we offer supplication and good deeds that our destination can be altered.

The du’a is one the simplest acts a believer can make to communicate and establish a connection with his or her creator. In the Quran, Surah Baqarah verse 186, Allah (swt) says, “When my servants ask you about me, (tell them), I am really close to them, I listen to the prayer of each supplicant when he invokes me”.

40 Rabbana Dua Book
In the Qur’an there are forty duas which were revealed that begin with the Arabic word Rabbana (رَبَّنَا) meaning, ‘Our Lord’. The verse then continues by asking Allah (swt) of something, forgiveness, wealth, success, prosperity, protection, safety, victory etc,. Collectively these are known as the 40 Rabbana duas of the Qur’an and have some of the best Quranic duas a person can learn, memorize, and recite.

Some of these du’as have a tremendous backstory as well. We’ll try to include a little synopsis and give you a little context of when / where / why they were revealed. You may already know some of these famous prophetic du’as which were recited by the Prophet’s at times when everything seemed to be against them and they were at the climax of adversity.

We include transliteration and translation in English for each du’a so you can pronounce and understand the meaning of the Rabbana duas.

رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلۡ مِنَّآۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡعَلِيمُ
Rabbana taqabbal minnaa innaka Antas Samee’ul Aleem
“Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”
– 2:127 –

Recommended use:

You can recite this du’a whenever you would like for Allah (swt) to accept whatever good you’ve just done. Du’a Prophet Ibrahim (as) recited after building the kaaba with his son.

Rabbana Dua #2

رَبَّنَا وَٱجۡعَلۡنَا مُسۡلِمَيۡنِ لَكَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِنَآ أُمَّةٗ مُّسۡلِمَةٗ لَّكَ وَأَرِنَا مَنَاسِكَنَا وَتُبۡ عَلَيۡنَآۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلتَّوَّابُ ٱلرَّحِيمُ
Rabbana waj’alnaa muslimaini laka wa min zurriyyatinaaa ummatam muslimatal laka wa arinaa manaasikanaa wa tub ‘alainaa innaka antat Tawwaabur Raheem
“Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites [of worship] and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of Repentance, the Merciful.”
– 2:128 –

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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