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Name: Nerissa Jaslyn Cullen as The Artsy spiritual twin

Godmother : Alice Cullen
GodFather: Jasper Cullen
Mental issues: Sensory processing Disorder/ ADHD
Height: 5'3
Mates: Magnus Lightwood-Bane & Alexander Lightwood-Bane
Status: Immortal–younger twin sister but more vampire than Human;

Special abilities;
Imagination manifestation-The user can bring anything from their imagination into reality; from structures, objects, weapons, creatures, elements, or any fictional or non-fictional material that the user can think. The ability can be activated at will but can also be activated through intense concentration, focus, and visualization, to strong emotions that breach the mental plane and the physical plane, constructing "quasi-physical gateways" that bring anything from the other side to the other. Due to its potency, the user can imagine anything that can be real, from changing current events (war, genocides, protests, presidential elections, families, discoveries of riches or artifacts, etc.) into something else, materializing one's imaginative friend into actuality with a composed physical body, or fictional elements that bend the laws of physics.
Sixth Sense–A sixth sense that allows one to acquire information by means independent of any of their known senses or previous experience. This applies to any and all kinds of information, knowledge,experience, etc. Information can be either personal (memories, thoughts, etc.) or impersonal (academic knowledge, artistic talent, athletic talent, data, etc.). This ability can be used passively (as an instinctual reaction) or actively (by wanting to know specific information). The most common applications of extrasensory perception include perceiving and detecting the presence of ghosts, spirits and other otherworldly beings, reading the memories, motives, or thoughts of people and objects, seeing into the future, past, or any other forms of gathering elusive information about the surroundings through unnatural means.

Fashion Manipulation–The user can create, shape, and manipulate fashion, a form of self-expression and autonomy at a particular period and place and in a specific context, of clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body posture. Fashion can either be style, clothing, and the clothing industry, or cultural and social trends in general

Twin Telepathy–This connection may very from a vague feeling of when the other twin is in danger to continuous telepathic connection to being an outright hive mind. They often experience each others injuries, negative emotions, and if they're bond is truly strong and tight, then they will be able to locate each other and even share energy as their life forces will be quite similar to each other.

Name: Renesmee Carlie Cullen as the Intelligent protective twin
Height: 5'5
Status: Older twin sister; more human than vampire
Mates: Jacob Black
Special talents;

Mental shield–The user is highly resistant to any and all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, like mind reading or emotion manipulation from everyone except Bay, her twin.

Twin Telepathy–This connection may vary from a vague feeling of when the other twin is in danger, to continuous telepathic communication, to being an outright Hive Mind. They often experience each other's injuries as part of their link, and frequently finish each other's sentences. In a very few cases, if the siblings share a tight bond they can even locate and track each other through their minds.

Tactile thought projection–This power allows the user to project his or her thoughts into another person's mind in the form of vivid pictures, thoughts and feelings, through physical contact. It works most effectively in communicating with others when words are not suited to the purpose.

Shield penetration Renesmee has the ability to penetrate or break through any mental shield without much detection.

Hybrid love: malec LS-Renesmee cullen twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now