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   As time passed It was evident that Edward had become emotionally distant when it came to Nerissa. His once gentle smile and playful but calm demeanor seemed to be reserved solely for Renesmee, leaving Nerissa feeling isolated and confused. Despite his efforts to not be overtly rude, his lack of emotional connection with Nerissa was palpable, causing a sense of unease and uncertainty within the child. The subtle yet significant shift in Edward's behavior towards Nerissa did not go unnoticed, leaving a lingering sense of disappointment and confusion in its wake.

Much to the surprise and apprehension of everyone, the girls seemed to undergo rapid growth after their birth. Within a week, they were already able to talk and move around on their own. Although Nerissa was still smaller than her sister, it was clear that she possessed greater strength. This was attributed to her having more than 75% vampire blood, whereas Renesmee had only around 50%. The family was initially worried about this development, but by the fifth day, they discovered the extraordinary abilities the girls possessed.

Nerissa sat in Jasper's arms, finding comfort in his presence as he was the only one who could calm her down from her hyperactive state enough for her to sit and eat other than Renesmee of course. Carlisle suspected that she might have ADHD, but they would only be able to confirm it in the future when she was older. As she nibbled on her cookie, Nerissa looked up at her uncle and asked, "Is mommy awake?" Her legs kicked excitedly under the seat. Jasper chuckled softly but shook his head, "Not yet sweetheart. She's still going through a transition." He smiled warmly at the little girl. Confused, Nerissa furrowed her brows and said, "But Rennie and I didn't go through that." Jasper hesitated for a moment, not wanting to burden the girls with the truth that Bella giving birth had caused her death. "Well, she's a special case. You and Rennie were born as vampires, but she was turned into one." Jasper gently explained, urging Nerissa to finish her snack. Nerissa nodded, thankfully not questioning why her mother had been turned into a vampire.

With boundless energy, Renesmee dashed into the kitchen, her pale face adorned with a radiant smile. She hurried towards her sister, who was in the midst of wiping off crumbs from her face after a snack. "It's winter, sis! Time for some magic!" Renesmee exclaimed with excitement. Nerissa couldn't help but laugh, nodding happily as she glanced at Jasper. "Absolutely, darling. Go and see Alice and Rosalie, they have your outfits all prepared," she assured Renesmee.

Without wasting a moment, Renesmee darted away towards her destination. Meanwhile, Nerissa couldn't hide her disappointment as she pouted at her uncle Jasper. Curious, he raised an eyebrow, silently questioning the reason behind her discontentment.

" Uncle Jass! I make it snow! I make ice from nothing! I don't need a jacket" Nerissa insisted rather dramatically. 

With a playful grin, Jasper responded, "While your control over snow and ice is undoubtedly impressive, my young friend, it's always wise to be prepared for unexpected  changes. Just in case, you know?" He gently lifted the little girl off the ground, marveling at the sight of the seemingly toddler-like child engaging in mature conversations. It was still shocking to see at certain times. 

The twins formed a close connection with their aunts while they assisted one of the girls in getting dressed, as it was proving to be a bit challenging to do so independently. It was clear that between the two, Renesmee, dressed in a nerdy, and preppy manner. Despite this, she managed to look well-coordinated and adorable.

Nerissa, on the other hand, had a more eccentric style of dressing. She didn't bother to match her socks and layered colors upon colors in her outfit choices. Her overall look was very artistic and unique, showcasing her bold and carefree personality through her fashion choices.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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