drinking buddies pt. 1

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your seen first driving a motorcycle at high speeds down a city street in the middle of hell running away from some criminals with them right on your tail as one of them is right about to ram you you pin the throttle and pull a wheelie getting some distance in between you and them eventually you get to an intersection where a big semi is crossing having no other choice you lay your bike over and slide under the semi the scraping of your beloved bike on the pavement brings a tear to your eye but in the end you end up getting away. 

soon after your seen sitting at a bar waiting for someone when out the corner of your eye you see a cute hellhound sitting all by herself. 

Y/N- hey 

???- ...

Y/N- come on don't be like that i was just trying to be nice and plus why drink alone when you can drink with some random guy right. 

???- yea so you can get drunk and hit on me like everyone else. 

Y/n- aw come on i'm not here to get drunk i'm just having a couple drinks i'm really here for business but hey its better to have somebody to talk to instead of wait in silence. 

???- ok FINE what do you wanna talk about. 

Y/N- ok now were getting somewhere lets start with your name. 

???- loona and yours ...

Y/N- Y/N so what are you out here drinking all by your lonesome for. 

loona- just had a shitty day at work thats it. 

she says as she tank another drink 

Y/N- yea i hear that. what was so bad about your day. 

you say as you down the rest of your drink 

loona- none of your businesses, what made your day so shitty. 

Y/N- thats classified information ill have you know 

you say with a joking face and she laughs and smiles at you 

loona- ok fine you dont have to tell me either 

Y/N- see there you go you've gotta lighten up a little bit, well anyway looks like my business is a no show well that sucks. how about we get outta here and grab a bite to eat i haven't ate anything all day. 

loona- sorry but thats a no for me theres no way im going to dinner with some random guy at a bar. 

Y/N-come on ill pay. 

loona- no thanks 

Y/N- come on ive got a bike and ill even give you the thing my " business" was here for. 

you then pull out a necklace with a old ruby on it 

Y/N- its no use to me now anyway seems that i got no one to buy it 

loona- ok fine but only if you give me the necklace *thinking i can at least sell it later*

she then puts on the necklace and they then walk outside to go to dinner when a imp walks up with a knife trying to mug both of them  

???- hey empty your pockets now!

loona takes a step back in fear but you just stand your ground 

Y/N-listen im not in the mood for any of that shit tonight so fuck off. 

your eyes then light up a redish orange color 

???- heh you think a scary look is gonna get you anywhere bitch. 

he then goes to slash at your leg but you grab his hand blocking it your eyes now glowing 

Y/N- i said im not in the mood so back off , last chance. 

he then tries to stab you right in the gut but you grab his hand making him drop the knife after that you snap his arm like a twig as he howls in pain 

Y/N- ok now get out of here go cry to mommy

the imp runs of wailing as you turn to loona 

Y/N-ok now with that out of the way lets go 

loona was shocked but noticed Y/N smiling at her and blushed a little bit following him

they then arrive in the alleyway of the bar where at the side sat your bike 

they then arrive in the alleyway of the bar where at the side sat your bike 

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loona - wow thats nice looking 

Y/N-i know shes a bute right just wait till you hear her purr 

you then start it and rev the engine up a couple times as loona stares in aw

loona- wow

Y/N- well you ready for a ride 

loona- s-sure 

he then hands her a helmet and helps her get on 

Y/N- now hold on because its gonna get a little rowdy 

loona yelps a little as you take off and almost pull a wheelie 

Y/N- what did that scare you a little bit 

you chuckle 

loona- no just startled me a bit thats it. 

eventually you are seen speeding off as it seems that the criminals from earlier see you leave. 

loona x male hellhound readerWhere stories live. Discover now