bad company

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as soon as Y/N starts to walk off another singular guy stops him but this one was different he had a mask and different attire with a single action rifle, a bow, and a knife, maybe a mercenary or something Y/N thought to himself 

???- and just where do you think your going 

Y/N- look ive had a really shitty day today so im not in the mood if you leave now ill spare you 

the guy then points a gun and shoots Y/N in the arm 

Y/N- listen that dont work on me bu- 

but suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your left arm and look down to see that your bleeding 

Y/N- *thinking* shit hes got blessed weaponry *normal* loona you remember that ride you were calling i think you better go and call them now 

loona- but what about you your bleeding 

Y/N- i said go NOW! 

as he charged full force at the guy dodging the bullets he got to him and tried to punch him but he blocked it with ease however he did drop the gun in the process

Y/N- well you actually know how to fight, this is gonna be fun 

they then get into full blown fist fight both exchanging and blocking punches and kick until Y/N blows him back 

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they then get into full blown fist fight both exchanging and blocking punches and kick until Y/N blows him back 

???- well you were right about one thing this is gonna be fun 

seen around the corner loona is calling her ride 

loona- come on pick up pick up pick UP 

???- hello 

loona- blitzo thank Satan i need a ride and i need one fast 

blitzo- why whats wrong where did you go i haven't seen you since work where are you even at 

loona- at the big diner on 666 street it doesn't matter ill explain later just come get me i've gotta go help Y/N 

blitzo- wait who whats happening hello hello 

loona is then seen running back to the diner where i fight can be heard 

back to Y/N

the two men are fighting when suddenly loona shows up out of nowhere 

loona- *thoughts* what the hell am i thinking i cant help him why do 

flashback Y/N-and to think me of all people could even think about having a friend 

the guy then looks at loona

???- and look whos decided to show up care to join us 

Y/N looks back at loona with a worried/angry face while he was distracted long enough to let the mercenary get his gun pointing it at loona thankfully Y/N realized it in time and grabbed the gun but a gunshot is still hear with a hole being showed through Y/N's hand 

loona x male hellhound readerWhere stories live. Discover now