Marvel's Spider-Man New Times Chapter 6 Chaos part 2

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Marvel's Spider-Man New Times Chapter 6 Chaos part 2YEAR 2017

Green Goblin: Who could Spider-Man be?

Green Goblin: For now, that will be my goal, but I also want to have some fun. I'll destroy the city along with my friends to see if I can find Spider-Man. I also want to see his potential.


Spider-Man: Oh, damn! The city is in chaos. I think the city needs some help from its friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: That joke wasn't very appropriate.

•Peter's phone rings•

Spider-Man: Oh, hello, Gwen. How are you?

Gwen: Peter, why does your voice sound different?

Spider-Man: Oh, well, you know, I'm just taking care of the city.

Gwen: Well, I won't bother you, then.

Spider-Man: No, no problem. I'm just swinging around. What did you want to tell me?

Gwen: Well, I was wondering if we could see each other tonight.

Spider-Man: I think I can't, but I'll let you know later. Anything else?

Gwen: Okay, and I don't have anything else to say.

Spider-Man: Wait, Aunt May is calling me.

Gwen: Okay.

May: Hello, Peter, what are you doing outside? It's dangerous.

Spider-Man: Oh, Aunt, I'm not in the battlefield.

May: Be careful, Peter.

Spider-Man: Okay, Aunt May.

Spider-Man: Gwen, I'm back.

Gwen: Okay.

Spider-Man: Where were we? Oh, yes, I'll tell you later. I'm busy right now.

Gwen: See you.

Spider-Man: Well, everything is complicated. It's very tense. I have so much to do. I can't think straight.

Spider-Man: Look, a gang of criminals. I can take advantage and attack them, but what if I do it stealthily? I'm not sure if I can, but I'll try.

-Spider-Man positions himself on the corner of a rooftop and shoots webs at the walls to confuse the criminals. One is left alone, and Spider-Man grabs him with his webs and pulls him up to where he is to stun him-

Criminal 1: Stay alert, one person is missing.

Criminal 2: Could it be Spider-Man?

Criminal 3: No, that's not his fighting style. There's no evidence he uses that approach.

Criminal 2: I hope it's not Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: Wow, this is intuitive. I can even sense their concern.

-Spider-Man goes to the rooftop of another house and takes advantage of their separation to go down and take another one and stun him-

Criminal 1: Another one missing. We need to be on alert.

Criminal 3: Shouldn't we just leave?

Criminal 1: Remember what the Green Goblin said.

Criminal 3: Alright.

Spider-Man: So, there's a Green Goblin involved. Interesting. Maybe he's the one who talked to me that day. I think it's him.

-Spider-Man goes down again and grabs the two remaining criminals and stuns them by knocking their heads together-

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