Chapter 2

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Nadia crossed the road, the sun sitting high in the sky. It was hot, too hot, and with Paul currently on a really bad trip from his last concoction of whatever Henry gave him, she was reluctant to be at home. She walked in the centre of the road, hoping either a car will stop for her or they'll hit her and put an end to all this. "But of course there's a third option…" she spoke to herself as a car went around cursing at her to get off the road. The white line in the centre of the road made the perfect walking track however and she didn't particularly want to get off it. A car was coming up behind her, a red car with a few dents at the front. She could see it in her peripheral vision as it was coming closer. At first she thought it would swerve around her, like the other car did, but then she realised how they got all those dents. The car turned and came straight towards her. She dived out of the way, her elbow getting skinned along the bitumen. It was at the moment she realised the first or third option was much better. She got to her feet, blood pooling on the top of her skin. She sighed. Her destination wasn't far now, she could make it.

She had made it across the town, it was oddly quiet but Nadia figured the heat had kept the people at bay. "Nadia?" A woman's voice called. Nadia stopped in her tracks and frowned. "Hey! Nadia?" The voice, excitedly, called again. Nadia took a couple steps back and looked down an alley between two tall gray buildings. A woman waved at her enthusiastically. Nadia couldn't clearly make out the woman's face in the shadow of the alley. As Nadia walked towards her she watched the woman stomp out a cigarette before she walked towards her. As she got closer she could see the woman dressed in a short crop top, jacket and very short shorts. "I haven't seen you in a while!" The woman said, "where have you been hiding?"
"Hi, Maureen," Nadia replied. Nadia never really liked Maureen too much but she was the closest thing she had to a friend and even that was a long shot. "Want one?" Maureen asked, extending a cigarette. Nadia shook her head as Maureen picked another from the packet and lit it up. "I didn't know you smoked," Nadia said. 
"The girls got me on to it," Maureen said. "The girls?"
"Yeah, from work," she added, pointing over her shoulder at one of the grey buildings. "I thought you left town?" Nadia asked.
"Nah," she shrugged. Maureen bit the inside of her lip, she wanted to go but she needed money first. Suddenly the door opened in the alley, it squeaked loudly, both girls looked up the alley. Nadia's eyes widened when she saw Henry, "break is over!" He called. Maureen looked a little embarrassed, when a second woman walked out behind Henry, "Maureen, someone on table 3 is asking for you personally!'' She called. The woman is dressed in a lot less than Maureen. Henry spotted Nadia with Maureen and gave her a big smile, Nadia trembled. "I'll see you 'round?" She asked as she went back to work. Nadia nodded, too shocked to say much as so many voices poured out the door between the loud beats of music. Maureen slips her jacket off her shoulders, earning a wide glance from Henry. Henry winked at Nadia before shutting the door loudly. Nadia knew that Henry had a few poker clubs but she never knew he had an institute like that and with so many women. 

Nadia was trying to rid her mind of what Henry will have done with her once she reaches the top rank. Maybe he will let her keep fighting, but then what? What will happen with her once she starts to lose more than she wins? A tremble ran through her body. Her mind was running away with her. Her thoughts traveled down dark roads. Before she could think or realise what she was doing she started to run. Nadia ran until her lungs were full of air and started to burn, until her legs grew tired and her body didn't want to keep moving. Nadia didn't stop running until she hit the ocean. Her feet in the burning hot sand and waves hitting the land. 

Nadia had been sitting under the jetty, waiting for the burning hot sun to set. It seemed like the sun was never going to rest. She was tired. Tired of the fights. Tired of the heat. She hadn't had real sleep in what felt like forever. She laid back against the sand, it was cool and soft. Suddenly she didn't care about getting sand in her hair. 

"Ma'am?" A young voice said. Nadia sat up quickly, shocked. "Are you ok?" The voice asked. She looked around, the sun was starting to set and everyone was leaving the beach. "oh, yeah, sorry, I fell asleep!" She exclaimed. She looked up to see a young man with a lifesavers shirt on. As much as she was embarrassed for falling asleep at the beach in public it had been the best sleep she'd had in awhile. "Do you need help?" He asked. She frowned at him, before she realised how much of a mess she was. She shook her head and quickly stood. She wanted to get away, he was too overbearing. "Look, I know some people, if you want help," he continued to press her. She shook her head, "no, thanks," she added. 
"Wait, you're one of Henry's girls!" He whispered. "What?" Nadia asked, spinning to look at him, "how do you….?"
He just shrugged. Nadia looked at him, frowning. "I'm not one of Henry's girls!" Nadia exclaimed. "Sorry, you just, you have the look…" 
"The look?" Nadia asked before she realised she didn't really want to hear the answer, "how do you know Henry?" 
"Oh, uh," suddenly he turned shy, like Nadia had caught him red handed. Nadia looked at him, "you work with him?"
He nodded, "Yeah, I help him with the books for his girls." 
Nadia nodded, "I'm not one of those girls." Nadia was trying to keep whatever reputation she had left. He nodded, "Look, I know what Henry can be like, if you want help…"
Nadia shook her head. The boy suddenly felt bad for her, he knew what those girls went through and he hated it. "I'm here most days, if you ever want help," he added. 
"Thanks," Nadia said, no one had offered help before but she had an inkling it was offered on false pretenses. 

Nadia found herself at the edge of the water and kicking her shoes from her feet. The water washed over her feet and ankles. She was one of Henry's girls. It was obvious to everyone. And soon it appeared she would be one of those girls that she was determined to convince that boy she wasn't. Nadia wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to leave fighting as she wanted to jump into the ocean after a hot day, but Henry had branded her with an invisible branding iron. Nadia stepped into the salt water until the water was gushing around her legs, "that's gonna have to change," she said to the setting sun before diving into the cool water. 

Her feet sunk slightly into the sand as she pushed against the water, breaking the water's surface and finding her feet. Each grain of sand scratched at her skin. The salt water began to splash up over her waist and sting her open cuts. She didn't stop pushing as the waves grew strong. The sun was beginning to settle behind the horizon, making the sky an arrangement of shades of pink and orange. It was beautiful. In that moment Nadia felt more free than she had in a long time with the cold water and warm sky. "I'm a fighter," she breathed before slipping under the water. 

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