Chapter 6

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Nadia rolled over and opened her eyes. It was dark. Very dark. She stumbled from her bed to try and find a light switch. It took a few minutes until she found one. The room lit up and Nadia felt a little safer. She wasn't sure how long she slept for but she felt she could do with more sleep. She looked to the door and found light coming from under the door. She wondered if she had stolen someone else's room and they had been waiting for her to wake up. She pulled the doors open and found the room empty except for a small tray that had been placed on her table under the window and her bag on the floor below it. She had wondered why she didn't hear them come in but didn't care. She looked at the food, her stomach was growling, she had nothing left in it. She shut her eyes and grabbed her bag, she couldn't eat, who knew what they had done to it. 

Nadia was able to shower. The water was so warm. She didn't want to get out. She couldn't remember the last warm shower she had. There was a range of soaps and shampoos that looked very expensive; she wanted to try them all. Nadia was surprised at what a warm shower could do to her cuts and bruises. Her face was instantly less swollen and her muscles didn't seem to hurt so much. Her stomach continued to growl at her as she dried off. She remembered the cans from home, expired and dented, for a moment she wanted to risk eating the nice meal of soup, toast and a warm drink with custard and cake for dessert that they had prepared. 

Nadia didn't remember going to bed but when she woke up the sun was high in the sky and she was warm and rather relaxed. She couldn't hide the fact she felt happier here than she ever did with Paul. It was early afternoon and Nadia was still tired but she didn't want to let the day escape her. She was eager to check her room and find out what he wanted with her. 

The door popped open and a man walked in. He was waiting for her to get up or to say something but she ignored him and turned back to looking out her window. "Boss will see you now," he said. 
"What does he want?" She asked.
"I do not know, ma'am," he replied, "I have been sent to collect you."
Nadia stood and walked to him, the door was wide open behind him. She began to wonder if she was looking at her way free. She got close to him, waiting for him to grab her or to lead her out but when he didn't she knew she had a chance. Nadia rushed for the door, her legs ready to run a mile. The man didn't try to grab her and this confused her. She made it out the door, looking over her shoulder at the man who stepped out her room but made no attempt to follow. She didn't understand why until she hit something hard and bounced off. She landed on her back, having only gone seven metre from her room. "Boss will see you now," the man said standing in front of her, built like a stone wall. 

Nadia was ushered into his office, a bit embarrassed but he seemed like he didn't know about her escape attempt. He was sitting in his chair, side on, looking out the window. He didn't register that she was there for a long moment. "So, not just a runaway but a murderer too?"  He asked coldly.

He was looking at her, standing in front of his large window with his arms crossed. Nadia was still trying to comprehend what he had said to her. Her mind was buzzing and she couldn't make sense of her feelings. Why was she embarrassed by this? Was she really feeling ashamed and guilty? He was waiting on her answer, his eyes crawling over her and boring holes into her skull. She was trying to stop the warmth from spreading over her face. "I'm not...not a murderer," she replied, more guilty sounding than anything. She wondered what he would do with this information. How could he use this to his advantage? He looked at her, "You look guilty to me," he told her.
"I didn't kill anyone," she tried to make him believe. "Why do you care if I had anyway? You don't look like the type to shy away from killing. After all, I was here for all of 5 minutes yesterday and the second you didn't get your way, you were ready to drive a knife into my chest!"
"And you…? You had a knife to my throat, let's not forget that." She looked at him, unsure of what to say to him, "do you want me to prove I'm innocent for some sort of entertainment for you?" She resorted, "How would you even know…"
"I just like to know about the people I'm dealing with, Nadia." The sound of her name shocked her. Her mouth almost dropped open. Her eyes widened. She realised he was playing the game still, the one where one of them had to come out on top. There had not been a true winner yesterday so today he was making sure to win. "See, now that's not fair, you know my name and I don't know yours…?" She replied.
"You can call me Boss, like everyone else," 
"Everyone else can, but you're not my Boss," 
"I am,"
"No, I don't think so…" she answered, "Why am I here, you summoned me?"
He wasn't sure of what to do with her. "How did Paul die?" This question put her through a loop, just like he wanted. "He fell,"
"He fell?" He questioned, rubbing his face. 
"He was drunk and fell. That's it!" She didn't know why he cared so much or why she was trying to convince him. "You know, Henry is looking for you," he told her.
"How do you know?"
"I have eyes and ears everywhere. Do you forget who I am?"
"...I wish I could…"
He decided to let the comment go, "I'm taking you back to him." Nadia froze, she stopped breathing. She wanted to cry or lash out but didn't want to give him the pleasure. "...Why?" She asked, "he doesn't own me. I'm my own person!" He went back to his chair and sat down comfortably. Nadia felt weak, "Why?" She asked again.
He thought it over, he could see how unhappy she was. "I need you to go back because...Henry is not who we thought he was."
"Henry…" he sighed, trying to find the words, "he manages my establishments."
"You really didn't work there, huh?"
She scowled at him but he didn't take any notice. "We don't care what he does in his own time but selling his fighters is not something we approve of."
"Selling them? Selling them how?"
"You told me of a car that followed you and people who tried to break in?"
"...He sold me…"
"To the highest bidder."
"....The Broncos. Our rivals."
Nadia was shocked, she became dizzy, "sold? For what?" She tilted to the side. 
He watched her swaying and stood from his chair, "Nadia. We can offer safety. From any murder charge, from the streets, from Henry...But you need to pay first." Nadia grabbed a chair in front of her to try and steadied herself. She was getting more and more dizzy. "Pay...I was just sold!" She exclaimed in confusion. "Henry was not your friend!"
"I know. He was Paul's dealer and my fight master. He was a no good cheat...But he said…"
"What did he say?"
"If I lost… he'd take me to be a girl in his establishment...or kill me," she admitted. He was a bit shocked at this. Henry was the manager of his establishment and was very open with him about his hiring and firing of the girls as well as how he found them and cared for them. But this he was never told of. He wondered if it was a scare tactic or if Henry meant it. Nadia planted her feet to the ground but couldn't stop feeling so sick or swaying. He was watching her carefully and creeping around the desk towards her. "How would I pay?" She asked, rubbing her head.
"You need to find out his game,"
"His game?" She exclaimed, "he wants money and that's it… I just don't know why he would sell me? I hadn't lost. I was winning for him." 
"Even if you were winning. Someone would have challenged you and killed you,"
"I bet you! Easily!" She said, sweating. 
"You're worth more as a prized fighter-" 
"Sold…" she whispered, "sold?'' She couldn't wrap her head around it. She was getting too hot and dizzy. She looked at him, without even noticing he was now standing in front of her and had managed to get there without a sound. "Nadia?" He asked before she suddenly flopped to the ground. He reached out and managed to stop and catch her at the shoulders. She wasn't very heavy but was very sweaty. He looked at her and was surprised by her reaction, she didn't look like the fainting type. He scooped her up and took her out the hall and towards her room. The men at his door followed him, sharing a confused look, they knew girls like him but not enough to faint over him.

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