Chapter 13

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It was dark when Nadia lifted herself from her bed, the girls all asleep. River was already outside waiting for her, dressed in black clothes and a hooded jumper. "This way," he whispered. They stuck to the wall as they ran around the side, gravel crunching under her feet until they reached the grass, and down the back wall. River led them into the brightly flowered garden and down a small stoned path. Nadia was worried that she would fall in the dark. River slowed to a walk as they came close to the old oak tree. There was a lot of shadow making it hard to see. Boss came into view from behind the tree. "I thought you'd forgotten," he said. 
"Boss," River greeted. 
Boss looked at Nadia, looking at her shoulder, "how are you Nadia?"
"Fine," she replied, "I didn't expect to see you, did you just send those men to Sir so you could bring us out here?"
"No, they went in for a reason,"
"To find your Mother?" She blurted.
The conversations suddenly stunted, and Boss was shocked. Boss was never lost for words but suddenly he wasn't sure what to say to her, "how do you…?"
"You wanted me to get information and I am,"
Boss frowned, "And...What do you have to tell me?"
"He got a new shipment!" River said, cutting in quickly, he knew where this conversation was going. Boss tore his eyes from Nadia. "Of what?"
"Guns and drugs," Nadia said, unamused.
"Anything else?" Boss asked.
"He is putting a team together," River said, "of used fighters."
"Why? Henry told me he's taken on a new fighter?"
"Yes, Jackson. He's not as good as Silver," River tells him. 
"You knew he was stealing your fighters. And you just let him?" Nadia asked.
"How else am I meant to know what he does?"
"I dunno, talking to him. He is your brother…"
Boss stepped towards her, threateningly, "he is not my brother!" he growled. 
"...He's got something planned," Nadia said, not phased, "I don't know what it is, but it's big,"
"He's really trying to create the perfect team,"
"Anything else? I expected something…" 
"Is your father alive…?" Nadia asked
Boss frowned at her, "why are so insistent on this rubbish?!"
"If you want me to get information, a little back story would help!" She insisted 
", he's not,"
"Does Sir know this?"
Boss looked at her, "...I don't know,"
" you know….you do know that your Mother is…."
"Dead?" He said, straight faced.
Nadia nodded, carefully. Bosses face fell, "not for sure…" he admitted. 
"I'm sorry. When you sent those two in today, Sir...he admitted it to me. He told me she was gone," she bit her lip, "Look, I don't know this for sure but, I think...Boss, I think he wants you dead,"
Boss nodded, "I know that." He wasn't shocked by this but he did look sad. "I think…. He's planning it. Maybe that is why he wants this team?" Nadia added. Boss wasn't listening, he was deep in thought.
Nadia looked at Boss, "I'm sorry, about your Mother," she said, gently.
"He should be," he said and turned to wall away. Boss waited for a moment, "find out why he's making this team, find out for sure. He's been working on it for over a year, it must be for something important…"

Nadia walked down to the cars, even though it had been a week or so her arm and leg still hurt, she imagined they would hurt for a long time yet. She was just grateful for no infection and that Sir hadn't dismissed her. Sir stood on the steps, waiting, "Nadia, River," he called, "I'm sure you two could keep this lot in line," she was just as surprised as the others. Loren stood on the steps beside Sir, he looked at Nadia but didn't say a word. "Loren?" She asked. 
"He's not a part of this. You need to act as a team without him… this is not his job," Sir replied. She nodded and climbed in the car beside Silver who had been given his last chance to be a part of the team. She was surprised she had managed to gain Sir's trust so much as to put her in charge of a team that he had worked on for a year. She didn't want to over think it too much but couldn't help to think that perhaps it was a trick. River drove them out the estate gates. "Sir?" Loren asked. "I'm training them for a suicide mission, do you really want to be with them when this all goes down?" Sir asked him.

They arrived at a building, it was a tall warehouse that was grey and had no life. They piled from the cars. Nadia waited to hear what Loren had planned on how to invade when she realised it was her job now. She looked at River. "I'll take Nate and West, we'll go around back?" She said.
River nodded, "Jackson, Silver, we'll go in the front." Nadia started to jog around the back, down an alley, it was a filthy part of town and she didn't want to take any longer than she had to. Rubbish was thrown around the place, cigarette butts and the smell of old oil was everywhere. She pulled her gun up from its holster as the back door came into view. West popped it open without hesitation, they had worked together for some time and had a good level of trust. Nadia charged in and swept the dark building as they made their way to the main section of the warehouse. It was dark and damp and every movement sounded too loud but it was too hard to see anything. 

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