Chapter 15

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Nadia opened her eyes. It was cold but there was a lot of light. She thought she might be dead. Until her vision started to clear and she saw River was beside her. He was saying something to her but she couldn't make it out. She could hear him. She phased out again and fell into a blissful sleep.

A chaotic noise in the hallway awoke her. She opened her eyes but laid perfectly still. She couldn't figure out where she was until she felt the soft blankets and saw the large window. It was her room in Boss's house. She sat up, her chest aching. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand but her muscles were tired and made her wobble. She made it to the bedroom door and out into the foyer and towards the other door. The noise in the hall was getting louder as she approached. She felt out of breath, her legs still wobbly as she wrenched open the doors. Nate was outside, with Silver. Silver holds Nate in a headlock and Jackson edging him on. They stopped the second the door opened and froze. Silver dropped Nate to the floor with a heavy thump. "You're...up!" Nate said from the floor. "Get River!" Silver said as Jackson started jogging down the hall. Nate got to his feet, a smile she had never seen crossing his face. He went to her, "let me help you," he said, escorting her into her room and on a chair. He had learnt to never pick her up. But her face looked so pale and she looked so weak it was hard to not pick her up.

The door swung open further as River and Jackson rushed in. "What's going on?" She asked, her voice was hoarse from lack of use. The men looked at each other, "we should send for Quinn, you would be hungry!" River said, forcing Silver, Nate and Jackson to the kitchen. "We have a lot to discuss," River said, turning back to her.
"Where is-"
"They are in… the interrogation chamber," River told her. "What happened to them?" She asked, hissing at the pain. "You shot them," he said, plainly. 
"What?" She was shocked.
"You shot them. I mean, you hardly hit them but it certainly distracted them. Jackson and I, uperheredned them. Before any real action could take place," he said.
"So, they're just…?"
"Tied up… waiting for you,"
"Me? Why?"
River stopped his work and looked at her, "because… you're the Boss. The Queen."

Nadia was shocked. She didn't understand what he was saying to her. "How can that be?" She asked.
"Well, once you passed out. And they were uperheredned. There was just us. And we wanted you. So who was to disagree?"
"Everyone else?"
"No, no one has picked a side. They are all waiting for the final play,"
"The final play?"
"Yes. Surprisingly. A lot of the men are getting along. Both Sir and Bosses men. They are like friends. It was the last thing I had expected to happen but…" Nadia had stopped listening. She was still trying to deal with what he had said, she was no Queen. 

Nadia was tucked back into bed before her food arrived. Quinn herself had decided to bring it to her. She knocked lightly on the bedroom door before entering. Once she saw Nadia an odd expression covered her face. Quinn approached with caution and placed the tray on the bed beside Nadia, who fought to sit up in bed. "How are you feeling?" Quinn asked. "Like I got shot," Nadia grumbled. Quinn moved the tray closer to her, showing her what she had prepared. "Did River catch you up?" She asked.
"Mostly," Nadia replied. She felt both hungry and nauseous at the same time. "What will your next move be?"
"I couldn't say,"
"You don't have to make any decisions, right now. It can wait until you are well again,"
"I can't leave them down there,"
"You can. For now. A few days won't hurt,"
Nadia rubbed her temples and moved her hair from her eyes. "Nadia," Quinn said, turning serious, "whatever you choose. I will follow. Most of the men and women are behind you."
"...and the others?"
"I can't speak for them," she replied, honestly. Nadia wasn't sure what she should do, what condition Sir and Boss would be in, how she would handle them… but for now she just wanted to sleep. 

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