Cold Calls

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I am not sure how we go about getting to talk to billionaires about finding love with the opposite s3x or even the same sex with all that money as a temptation to make them more attractive to a mate. We want to get first hand knowledge of what they find happening in their love lives and how they can distinguish between someone who wants them for them and not their money. We have gotten nowhere so far. None of the small lists of billionaires who have never been married have been willing to answer our questions. Until recently when Anastasia accidentally bumped into Jose Rodriquez Jr and agreed to answer the questions for us. I am coming with her and we are using a false name for him.

I really didn't want to be in a room alone with Jose Rodriquez Jr. There was something wrong with his immediate acceptance to do the interview that unnerved me. So I told him that Kate and a few other would be with us on the interview. Right now sitting at this coffee shop has me on edge and the way he keeps checking me out really scares me. After all he could easily do something to me and get away with it, I can't figure out why I just thought that. He seems nice enough but so do serial killers at first. He can't seem to stop looking at my body. Kate arrives with her team and we get things set up and we bombard him with all kinds of questions and he lets us record everything video and sound. He wants a copy for his files. I can't understand why since he told us he records everything in this place to begin with.

I start to see why Anastasia is leery of this guy and why. He is looking Anastasia over like she is his next meal and won't stop looking at her like he wants to jump her bones at any minute. I hope the other billionaires aren't like this one. I think he is drooling over Anastasia and I will not leave her alone with this guy ever. He probably already has her information and everyone she loves and who she works for name. I am bouncing questions off him one after the other and he says something that he doesn't realize he said. He looks directly and Anastasia and says he has found his one and she is sitting across from him. Anastasia says that she isn't interested but thanks anyway. We finally get everything wrapped up and he allows us to leave and asks for Anastasia phone number. I give him mine instead and tell him to contact me instead.

We get home and I swear we were followed and I take photos of who I think is following me and show the photos of the two guys as they appear and disappear from view. I am glad we don't live in this area. Then Kate reminds me that he has unlimited resources at his disposal. At least that is what we thought at that moment. Facts about his unlimited resources would surface later.

Jose Rodriquez sr
I had to put security on the young ladies that Jose met for an interview of some kind. He then started stalking them. I can't have him doing this yet again. I had to have him put in the hospital for his poor behavior. Luckily I have men rotating around him to stop him from harming another young lady. This young girl was just in town for interviews and it seems like she is interviewing young billionaires who are single and unattached. Jose likes to claim he has billions, but they are my billions not his. He lives a cushy life and works as a photographer and painter. His mother was kidnapped and killed after we gave the ransom money for her. The manny had Jose jr when they grabbed Desiree from the dress shop. Three people were killed in that shop that day. Then my wife was killed two days later and a note saying thanks for the money and her is your wife's body to bury her. Who does things like that? Monsters that is who does that.

Jose Jr
I finally find Anastasia and wait and watch for Kate to leave her alone. They both go out and a limo picks them up and they go to the Cross residence. How did they get an interview with him if all people. Anastasia is mine now, she should not be talking to men like Cross. A cop is telling me to move on before he runs me in for loitering.

I finally got Gideon Cross to agree to an informal interview at his home. His mother was behind him giving in to do this interview. I guess she thought it would soften his public persona. We were even invited to dinner with the family, this should be interesting. Anastasia is important to these interviews since they will be part of her books. I remind her of that.

At first I didn't want to go meet Gideon because of the issues with Jose Jr. We think we are being followed and we are. Mr Cross's driver saw them and had them stopped and held for questioning soon he told us that Jose Sr. had sent them to protect us, but wouldn't elaborate from who. I thought I had saw Jose jr outside the place we are.Kate thinks it was my vivid imagination and I am now sure Jose Jr is dangerous. I decide Samantha is going to be needed along with my carry and conceal license and bullets. I will be wearing her from now on. I had thought that we might have issues with some on 5his matter. I however had to hand over my gun at the Cross residence and we were searched for further weapons.

I can't believe you brought Samantha and fully loaded and the safety was off, what were you thinking? We were safely picked up and they lost the guys who were following us and then questioned them when they found us again.

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