A Happy Ending

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We moved into the home that Elliott built for Mia and our children. The wedding was very small and beautiful. We didn't want all the media hype. My family arriving was enough of a circus, but they made sure no one knew about the wedding. Ireland asked me what took me so long to marry Mia. I just shook my head because she was the one who thought Mia would make a bad choice as my wife. She knew Mia before the kidnapping not the one that I met. My family loved her and our four daughters. The books were finally completed with three of the billionaires married to wonderful women. Anastasia and Christian eloped and they both heard from both of their family members until they had another gathering to redo the wedding ceremony. Ray, Carla, Grace, Carrick, Elliott, Kate and Mia were witnesses to that wedding. Our wedding although small was beautiful and we enjoyed every moment of it. We also created Gideon jr. That night. I am working from Seattle now. Christian and I fly into New York for business meetings and then stay at either my home or his while we are there. Hotels are a bad place to stay, because we had an incident when we shared the best suite in the hotel. Someone tried to slip naked women in on us not knowing we had been given the suites on the floor below. Binder demanded he have the best and got it because he owned the hotel. The news the next day was laughable.

Carl Binder
Jasmine my new wife and my child were exhausted and security needed to clear the rooms and they did just that. Two very naked females were in full view of staff and photographers. I am very angry and the photographer keeps taking pictures. Cross and Grey was supposed to be the ones getting this treatment. The girls were arrested and questioned and staff was fired that night. We reviewed all the videos and found out a scandal paper set all of this up to cause the newly married Cross and Grey troubles with their wives. They did the same thing to me at another hotel. My wife knew I wouldn't cheat on her because I would lose half of everything if I did, but my greatest loss would be her. When book ten of Anastasia and Kate's book arrived it didn't surprise me about the naked girls in the room scenes. It all ended with happily ever after for three of us. But we were always looking for the pot if gold at the end of the rainbow and that was our beautiful loving wives. I am hoping Gwendolyn and Nina Marie find a man that gives them the same things. The others can go to hell. We have more than money could ever buy. Love and unconditional love.

Carl called us and told us about the set up and who was behind it and he had it taken care of. We both thanked him and the next day we found penthouses close to one another and had it furnished by our wives via internet. It didn't take either one long to decorate the place. I was shocked to see a nursery set up and called Anastasia about it and she showed me the sonogram. Christian jr will arrive in six months. I smile and say I wished you were here to show how much I love you. How did the book signing go?

Book 10 went very well, they loved the endings. Everyone of the characters were really happy that their captors ended in fates worse than death. Colostomy bags are a common sight among those who hurt so many. I had some interesting tortures for their leaders and they loved what Kate and I had done by the family members of their hostages. Kate thinks it will be hitting the best seller list soon. How does it feel to be married to a billionaire Christian?

It feels great, but it was never about the money, it was live at first sight it just took a long time to realize that. I am glad you never pushed me into anything. Elliott thinks he should retire and live off Kate lol.

That man loves his job as much you love yours. Did you tell Carl and Jasmine that they are staying with us when they come to Seattle to sign the contracts?

I did indeed and he has bought a home close by us and they are getting it furnished now. We say our goodbyes and blow kisses and sign off.

I am finally going to retire and move to Seattle to be where Mia is at and my granddaughters. I find a quiet place and have security get everything in place for my move. I am not sure if it is safe for me to leave yet, so I have Gus get things ready in Seattle. Our last assignment put three of us out of commission and we retired. I completed all my paperwork and closed the files and passed it on to the next person who is taking my job. I am going to enjoy being a grandmother. Thomas and Caren are already living in Seattle and he has a job waiting for him. I was offered a position in cybersecurity and decided to take the job.

I am finally through physical therapy and I'm able to run with minimal pain. Soon I will be able to run without any pain. I work out but make sure I listen to my doctors about what to do if strain my injuries. Caren definitely keeps me in line. We are having a daughter this time and I want to be able to carry her.

Americus called me and told me that she's retiring and moving to Seattle soon. She told me security is going to be doubled until The head guy is found and arrested. She wanted me to know before she arrived. Thomas doesn't know but the guy coming after him and Americus is my biological father. I am ready for the bastard. Anastasia and Ray taught me how to shoot guns and I have a carry and conceal license. The boys know about the guns and they have been taught gun safety. They are aware not to use the guns unless they're in danger. The house is a fortress thanks to Thomas.

Oscar Lincoln
I definitely am out in the cold and I have no place to go. My daughter married one of the men who came after me. I caught a bus to Seattle before they could arrest me. Caren is there with my grandsons and her husband Thomas. They won't know that I am coming at all.

I call Gus and send him the photos of Oscar Lincoln and tell him this guy is the last of the final group from the west coast and he needs disposed of before he kills my family and Thomas's family. We heard he was on a bus headed to Seattle, we just didn't know which one.

I finally arrive in Seattle and I walk off the bus and go find a hotel room close to the bus station. I pay for the room and the manager gives me an odd look. I should have changed into something else. I grabbed whatever I could. Most of what I own is expensive suits. I need to go to a thrift shop. I look at the room and pray for no bedbugs. I definitely think sheets are needed. I am about to leave when a knock on the door gets my attention.

Thomas and I arrive at the first hotel near the bus station where we figured Oscar would arrive. Oscar has never seen me, so Thomas stays in the van. Americus has arrived and we decided that I am going to be the one to take him out of the hotel. I knock him out and pack up the bags and then roll him up in the quilt off the bed. The van is parked where the cleaning people are going in and out if the rooms. I notice that they are distracted and I get the body into the van. Then I throw the suitcases in the van. The hotel room door opens and the cleaning people walk into the room Oscar was in. He didn't use his real name. His prints are the only ones in there. Now they are cleaning the room.

Okay we have him now and George is waiting for him. Elena's ex husband was thought to be dead so he could keep running his business. Caren unfortunately is his daughter. She knows this now. George drives off with the van after we wipe all our prints off anything we have touched. Oscar has been drugged and George wants his revenge on Oscar for his daughters deaths.

George Orwell
They know me as George Orwell and that is how I need it to be. I drive off to the best place in Seattle to get rid of garbage. The dump and not just any dump. The place they take hazardous waste. A friend of min is waiting there to get rid of this piece of scum. We take photos of an Oscar screaming in agony as he is placed in the hazardous waste. Those are for proof of death.

We get encrypted messages with the photos of Oscar screaming as he disappears into the sludge. Finally it's finished, I can rest somewhat easy knowing that I took everyone down that had been involved in a long running human trafficking ring. So can Thomas and Gus.

I was very happy to see Americus arrive. Gideon has arrived home as well. Americus says she's done everything and everyone is paying the price for their sins. She has retired. She has moved to Seattle for good

I arrive home and I give my family all the love I can give them. I tell Caren that Oscar is finally dealt with and she doesn't need to fear him coming after us any more. I show her the footage of his death. I normally wouldn't do this, but she has the right to know that monster who fathered her is dead now. We are all safe now.

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