The Truth

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Jose Sr.
I tell the young ladies that Jose Jr. is not and would never be a billionaire. After finding out about his mental illness he had been hospitalized for it. Somehow he has been escaping over and over again, Houdini couldn't have done better than Jose Jr. His dead body will be cremated and Miss Steele and Miss Davis won't be charged with killing Jose jr. he is thankful that someone had the ability to shoot and kill him in self defense. He tells us that Jose Jr. is at peace now, or he is in hell for his actions.

The CSI team investigated and found out how Jose Jr. had gotten inside my wardrobe as it was being brought into the apartment. They took my gun and looked at my carry and conceal license and then took Susan's gun and her carry and conceal license and took that information. Susan said she wanted to be sent a copy of my book and hope it includes the death of Jose Jr. under another name. Jose Sr. Agreed to give us permission and any background we might want as long as his name and his sons name be changed. We agree and the apartment will need to be be gone over by the CSI team. Susan invites us to stay in her home where security is tight.

We grab our clothing in the suitcases we got from our our old apartment. We have two more women to interview thank goodness Susan knows both of them an she invited them over to be interviewed. We get all our equipment and we are driven to miss Davis's home. It is very unusual. Something is a bit off about her home, even Anastasia can feel it. We are taken to some very luxurious bedrooms that are next to each other and the doors open up between them to allow us to talk without going into the hall. This is weird even for a wealthy person.

Gwendolyn Carmichael
Susan told me the great news about Jose Jr. being dead by her bullet and a miss Steele's bullet. We are finally free of that creepy guy. He really has been a piece of work and he somehow got away with some very horrible things to me, Susan and Nina Marie. He got through our security every time we hired more people. The mark on my chest is one that will be there the rest of my life. He tried to cut my breast off me. My maid saved my life and knocked his ass out. She had him cuffed in no time. My dad hired her for me and I am very thankful he did. I call Nina Marie and tell her to join us at Susan's because she can tell her story finally.

Nina Marie Firestone
I meet Kate Kavanagh and Anastasia Steele finally. I had a feeling they would talk to me and here they are at Susan's house. I don't think they know how Susan gets her rocks off, so I am keeping that to myself. I tell her what I can without telling her too much. Susan has put them in her special room. These two will not go quietly into her favorite place. I can see the mistrust in their eyes, just like when she tried with me. It turned out badly for Susan. Like it will today if I have my way. I am taking the ladies on a journey back to a very secure penthouse that belongs to Christian Grey. He saved me although inadvertently and he had no idea. So I called him for help and he is sending it. Susan knows not to screw with Christian Grey. I would think she would recall the name Steele and his daughters name. Raymond Steele doesn't know yet or he would be storming the gates. Just as I am thinking that Raymond Steele and his team come inside and has his men pull us to safety and has him men gather their suitcases from the bedrooms. I see Susan glare at Ray and what he says next chills me to the bone.

I told you that if you came after my daughter I would expose your true nature. Now let the paparazzi inside show them where he special torture rooms are starting with the bedrooms my daughter was in and her friend Kate. Expose all her torture rooms and release all her victims and call ambulances and the police. Kidnapping is still a crime. Anastasia Kate, Susan and Nina Marie go get in the car and we are taking you to the ER to test for drugs.

I finally make it to Susan's house but see Anastasia and Kate being put in the car and Gwendolyn is being carried along with Nina Marie. Police and paparazzi are everywhere. I watch as the cars head to the hospital and then ambulances and EMTs go through the house and brin out unconscious states. I see Mia being brought out on a gurney. I thought she was in Paris. This will end Susan billions or not I will make sure she knows that I am going to tear her companies apart. Jason shakes his head and tell me to give mom and dad a heads up. I call Elliott and we go to check on Anastasia, Kate and Mia. Susan has been a sick human being most of her life.

I am feeling like I am flying but I am in so much pain. I am thirsty and hungry to. I hear a familiar voice and reach out to touch her, I claw her arm as I am flying through the air. I say you did this to me Susan. I am pulled away from her and I feel blood dripping from my hand. I think I am moving to somewhere else. Please no more torture. I hear moms voice saying that they won't let me be tortured again. I am finally safe and out of pain enough to sleep.

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