𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧-𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑥 ☆

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I am sadly related to Brandt..I hate the fact that he's my fucking cousin.!

"If you don't make any friends this year..well, I'm not surprised!" Brandt laughed as he walked away to his friends.
-"Shut the fuck up, Brandt! You've been friends with the same people for like three years!" I yelled as he looked back at me and sped walked towards me.

"Why are you yelling my name?! I don't want people knowing that we know each other!" He said angrily as I rolled my eyes.
-"well now everyone knows! Be grateful you have such a gorgeous cousin." I say and walk off from him.

—☆ 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘁'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃 ::

This bi-
"Who was that?" Dustin asked as he raised a brow.
-"None of your business." I roll my eyes.
(He a lil zesty ykwim?)
"It is my business if I'm one of your friends." He crosses his arms against his chest.

"C'mon, man! Who is she?" Alex asks as I walk away from them but they kept bugging me like they desperately wanted to know who Y/n was.
-"She's my fucking cousin! Stop asking, y'all are so annoying!" I sighed in frustration as they bursted out laughing.

"How come we've never met her?" Dustin asked as I groan in annoyance.
-"Why would y'all need to meet her?" I say as he shrugged.

"Man, you've met my family. You even met my cousins, so why didn't you ever mention her?" Alex said as I looked at the ground.
-"Dude, I never mentioned her because I don't like her! She's honestly so annoying. She's always been like that since we were younger." I explained as he nodded.

"Right..but you still could've mentioned her." Alex said as Dustin nodded in agreement.
-"We're going over to your house today." Dustin smiled as he pat my shoulder aggressively.
"Damn! Chill out..y'all are not coming over to my ho-"
-"We are, cya later." Alex said and they both walked away from me, leaving me frustrated.

"Assholes." I mumble and made my way to class.

Once I made it home from school, Y/n was ranting to me about her first day and it was quite annoying, but I didn't say anything.

"Where's your mom?" She asked as she placed her backpack onto the couch.
-"Out working." I replied and headed up to my room.

I throw my backpack onto the floor and hop on my bed tiredly. As I was shutting my eyes I was disturbed by Y/n opening my door.

"What?!" I yell in annoyance.
-"Why are you being such a dick? You're friends are knocking on the door, do you want me to open the door?" She asks as I quickly got up.

"Nah, I got it it." I say before heading downstairs. I didn't want them to meet her at all, no one invited them over but themselves.

Once I reach the door I sighed in annoyance before opening it up to reveal Dustin and Alex.
"What's up?" Alex said
-"Where she at?" Dustin asked.

"I don't know." I shrug as she comes downstairs and I swear I could see sparkles in Alex's eyes and the sun wasn't even shining in his direction!
-"just come in." I sigh as they entered and greeted Y/n.

"What's up? I'm Dustin, the coolest in the group and the finest one, but I'm sure that's obvious." He said and shook her hand as she let out a laugh.
-"it wasn't even that funny." I say as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm Alex, it's a pleasure to meet you. Brandt never mentioned you at all." Alex said in a soft voice.
What the fuck is he doing? I thought at the sudden change of his voice.

"I'm definitely aware that he never mentioned me. I'm not surprised either!" She laughed as she shook his hand.
-"I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you too." She smiled.

"Alright, out." I say as Y/n smacks her lips.
-"Why so soon? They just got here." She said as the boys agreed.

"Whatever! What are we gonna do in the meantime?" I asked as Y/n was thinking.
-"We could troll people online? It's fun in my opinion." She said as I shook my head.
"No..we aren't gonna do that." I say as i thought about a different thing to do.

"We have a few board games that we could play." I shrug and we went up to my room. Once we got there, I opened my closet and grabbed my box of games.

Jenga, The Game of Life, Guess Who?, Don't Wake Daddy, and Sorry.

"They look boring." Dustin said.
-"I wanna play Jenga." Y/n said as she pulled out the box of Jenga.

"Or we could play Jenga, I like that one." Dustin said as I looked at him in annoyance.

We began to play Jenga and Dustin lost in most of the rounds.

It was getting dark outside so we played one more round before they had to go.

"Alright, can we play again tomorrow?" Dustin asked as I shook my head.
-"Sure." Y/n said as I put my hand on my face.
"I guess." I sigh.

"Alright, I'll see ya tomorrow." Dustin said before smiling at Y/n.
-"Bye, Y/n." He waved goodbye before walking away.

"Bye, N/N.. I'll see you tomorrow at school." Alex smiled and waved before walking away.

I shut the door and locked it before glaring at Y/n.

"You need to go back to your home town." I say as she scoffs.
-"and where exactly would I be living?" She said and I completely forgot that her parents separated and her dad didn't want her in his life anymore since he has other kids to take care of and her mom has plenty of men over at the house, even some who tried talking and assaulting her.

"Shit, I forgot. I'm sorry." I apologized and went back upstairs to my room before falling asleep on my bed.

I hope none of my friends fall for Y/n, because I don't want one of my friends to date my cousin.

A/n- I'm running out of ideas! But there will be a part two. I'm also sorry for not posting, I've been busy.

𝐏𝐞𝐧𝟏𝟓 ☆ 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now