𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲-𝐷𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛 ☆ ☆

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"What's up, Y/n?" Dustin asked as he leaned against the lockers, but I ignored him.
-"You're so boring and lame!" He said nudging me and making me bump into the lockers.

"Oh, shit! I didn't mean to push you that hard, Ma!" He said as he laughed.

"Dickhead." I mumbled as I shut my locker.
-"Whatever, Ma." He said as he heard what I said.

"Why the fuck are you calling me that?" I say with an eye roll.
-"Whatever, Ma. You loved being called that." He smirked.

"Shut the fuck up or I swear I will throw this book at you." I say as he laughed.
-"oooh, someone's feisty." He smirked, putting his hands up as if he was 'scared'.

"Shut the fuck up." I sigh.
-"Or, Ma can keep entertaining me for awhile?" He smirked while looking me up and down.

"Fuck off." I say as I throw my book at him.

He dodged to book and looked at the book that landed on the floor.
"You missed." He grinned mischievously. He obviously enjoyed pushing my buttons.
-"Try again." He smirked as I roll my eyes, throwing another one at him, but he caught it mid-air with one fucking hand!

—☆ 𝗗𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃 ::

"Good try." I said with a grin on my face, mockingly, still teasing her.

"Shut the fuck up, you're annoying." She rolled her eyes.

"Damn, chill.." I scoff as I pick up the book on the floor.
-"Give me my books." She says as I shook my head.

"No way, you have to earn 'em." I smirked.
-"Oh my god.." she groaned as I looked at her confusingly.

"Why you groaning so much?" I smirked as she rolled her eyes.
-"Give me my books."

"You didn't ask nicely." I said as she reached for her books, but I pulled them away.
-"You're not asking nicely." I smirk as she snatched her books from me faster than flash himself.

"Damn, girl! Chill out, I was just playing.." I say as I walk away from her and up to my friends.

"You done messing with her?" Brandt asked as I shook my head.
-"Nah, not yet." I smirked.

"I thought the water bottle thing taught you a lesson." Alex shrugged, earning a laugh from Brandt.

"Whatever, shut the fuck up. It wasn't that funny." I said as we walked to class.

While I was putting my books into my locker, I spotted Y/n walking towards her locker.

"'Sup, bitch?" I laugh as she turned the other way.
-"Where you goin'?" I ask as I followed her.

"N/n..?" I groan as I continued to follow her and eventually we made it into the bathroom that's basically abandoned.

"What the fuck you doing in there?" I ask as she locked herself in a stall.

"Y/n?" I say as I knock onto the stall.
-"Ma, I was just playing with you." I say as I waited for her to open the stall.

"Can you just leave me alone? You're so annoying." She responds on the other end with a soft voice.
-"I was joking, you know that right?" I say with a sigh escaping my lips.

"I honestly don't even care anymore, Dustin." She replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Open the stall." I say as I shook it.
-"No, why would I?" She laughed as I looked at the ground, seeing the huge gap under the stall.
I don't wanna crawl under there, the fuck..

"Open it."

"Aight then.." I sigh, obviously having no choice, but the crawl under the gap.

"What the fuck?" She says as she looks at me.
-"You wouldn't open the stall." I roll my eyes as I stand up and dust off the dust on my clothes.

"You're disgusting." She says as she looked at my dirty clothes.
-"I'm never doing that shit again." I say as I stretch.

"So..what are you doing in here?" I ask as she stands up.
-"Trying to get away from you."

-"'cause you're annoying as fuck." She responds with a hint of sass in her voice.

"Alright, jeez." I say before she heads out the stall.

"Seriously?" I groan as I followed her.

"Y/n, where are you going now?" I ask as she stopped walking.

"Dustin, can you just leave me alone?"
-"Uhm, I guess?" I shrug and walk out of the bathroom, leaving her all alone.

"Yo, where were you?" Alex asked as he walked up to me, holding the straps on his backpack that is hanging wayy too low. (Same twin)

"Nowhere." I reply as we walked to our next class period.

"Alright, today we are taking a test! Be prepared! Make sure you have a pencil." Mr.Horn said as he passed out the tests.

"Begin and no TALKING or there will be consequences." He said as I rolled my eyes.
-"alright, we get it." I say as he glares at me.

"Dustin Long, don't get sent to the principles office during a test that we haven't even started yet." He said as the class laughed.
-"I got you."


While I was on the 5t question, I saw that Mr.Horn was busy reading a book so I decided to take advantage of that and look at Y/n who sat behind me.

"Y/n.." I whisper as she looks up at me.

"Do you need help?" I ask as she looked at her paper and nodded slightly.
-"alright, hold up." I say before turning back around and finishing up my test then writing the answers on a piece of paper.

"Here." I say, handing her the answers.
-"Thank you." She said as I smiled softly, turning back around in my seat.
Shit, am I falling for her? I thought as I got up and handed my test to the teacher.

"First one done I see." He said as I nodded.
-"Yeahh..no shit." I smiled sarcastically as I headed back to my seat, one by one, students turning in their tests.

𝐏𝐞𝐧𝟏𝟓 ☆ 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now