𝐄𝟐𝐋-𝐷𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛 ☆

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I was at my locker, grabbing my book to return to the library and suddenly I feel water being poured onto my head. I gasp at how cold it was and turned around to see Dustin with a water bottle in his hand, laughing along with his friends. I shiver slightly and some ice cubes were on my books. I look down at my books to notice them all ruined.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I say angrily, making him put his hands up in defense.
-"My bad, I didn't see you." He shrugged.
-"How the fuck did you not see me?" I say in annoyance and he just laughed and walked away with his friends.

I head to the girls' bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I place my books into the empty sink and move the wet hair out of my face. I sigh and remove my shirt, squeezing the water out of it, making it fall into the sink where my books were.
"Oh, shit" I say and move my books out of the sink and noticed the papers ruined, wet as fuck, and they were ripping apart.

I smack my lips in frustration and threw them into the sink next to me and continued to soak out the water off my shirt. After awhile I eventually got all the water out but it wasn't completely dry. I mean, I have to deal with it 'cause I don't have an extra.

I put on my shirt and grab my book, heading to the library. I entered the library and headed to the front, placing my books on the counter thingie.
"What's this?" The librarian asked with an eyebrow raise.
-"Books from your library?" I reply with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"You sure these are mines? Because if they are, I don't want them and I need you to pay for how badly you ruined them." She shrugged and looked at the books in front of her which had a little bit of water on them.
-"I didn't ruin them though."
-"How can you tell me that when they're sitting right in front of me?" She said, pointing at the books.
-"How can you tell me I ruined them? You don't know what happened to these books. You think I'm stupid enough to wet some books and turn them in like this? I'd have to a 3 year olds mind to do that." I say in annoyance, making her give me a weird look and push the books towards me.
-"I don't want them, you'll just have to pay 50 dollars for each of these books." She shrugged.

"I'm not paying shit." I say and walk out of the library, making her call out for me but I just ignored her.

I put on my headphones and began to blast some music, making me and my anger calm down.

I was walking in the hallways, listening to my music and all of the sudden I feel someone bump into me aggressively. I take my headphones off and look behind me to see Dustin smirking back at me, walking away with his friends.
"This bitch is getting on my fucking nerves.." I mumble and looked away from him, making my way outside the building.

I waited patiently outside for my Mom to arrive to pick me up from school. I watched as the people outside spoke to each other and the boys throwing a football at each other.

I turn to my left, looking at the entrance of the school and see Dustin and Alex walking out together, talking and laughing with each other.
Since when did this motherfucker start going home in a vehicle? I thought and saw some blonde chick go up to Alex, smiling softly and twirling her hair with her finger, looking at him.

He looked up her up and down before making a weird face at her and pushing past her, making her scoff and pull him back.
He rolled his eyes and told Dustin to go away and so he shrugged and left them alone.

He spotted me and smirked before making her way towards me.
"What's up?" He said with a smile, showing off his perfectly shaped teeth.
I didn't respond but just walked away from him but he followed behind like a lost puppy or something.

"Are you deaf? Take off these goddamn headphones, they're distracting you from speaking with me right now." He said and took off my headphones.
-"What do you want?" I say in annoyance, taking my headphones from his hands. My hands brushed against his slightly and he licked his lips.

"My bad. Why are you upset?" He asked, making me give him a serious look. He knew damn well why I was upset, he just wanted me to tell him so he could laugh about it.
-"Leave me alone, you've done enough already." I say and attempted to walk away but he pulled me back by my waist, placing his hand on my stomach.

"Did I piss you off again?" He asked with a smirk.
-"What do you think?" I say sarcastically and push his hand off me.
-"Look, Ma, I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist." He shrugged and I shake my head, slightly annoyed.
-"that's what you always say. That excuse is getting old." I put my headphones back on and he rolls his eyes, his curly long hair falling onto his face as he looked down at the ground.

"My bad, shorty. I'll do better next time." He smirked and walked away when my Mom called out for me.
-"'I'll do better'" I mocked with an eye roll and made my way to my Moms car and stepped inside.

"I got a call from the library, what happened?" She asked as she drove away.
-"Dustin's bitch-ass decided it was the best idea to pour water on my head while I was holding the books I was supposed to turn into the library." I say in annoyance, placing my headphones into my backpack.
-"How many times have I told you to defend yourself, Y/n?" She shook her head.
-"Plenty.." I mumbled and lean into my seat.

"Then defend yourself. You can't let a boy bully you like that, you must be out of your mind." She sighed and I rolled my eyes.
-"They want me to pay for the books." I say.
-"How much?"
-"50 dollars for each."
-"That's some fucking bullshit. You're gonna make that bitch-ass boy pay for them fucking books because I'm not wasting my check on some books you didn't ruin." She says and I didn't know how I was gonna make that happen but I knew I had to come up with something or else she'll do it herself.

A/N- HEY, POOKIES! I am so sorry I haven't been uploading for you guys, I've been working on this new book, editing, messaging my friends, school, and other shit like that. It's very distracting and I haven't had much time to write any chapters and I apologize🙏🏼.

I Hope you guys like this and it was also a request from months ago or something.

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